- With SMP, all memory access is posted to the same shared memory bus. 通过SMP,所有的内存访问都传递到相同的共享内存总线。
- The test result shows this design is valuable to the expansion of bus bandwidth. 测试结果表明,这个设计对于总线带宽的扩展具有实用价值。
- PCI is a unidirectional parallel bus architecture in which multiple adapters must contend for available bus bandwidth. PCI是一个单向的并行总线架构,其中多个适配器必须争夺可用的总线带宽。
- The RocketRAID 2240 multi-port Infiniband RAID Controller delivers optimum performance by utilizing the PCI-X bus bandwidth capabilities. RocketRAID 2240 multi-port Infiniband接口控制器,完全兼容PCI-X,提供最优化的性能特征。
- The external memory bus may be isolated from MCU and the bus is released to the DMA controller. 外部资料汇流排可以与微控制器隔离开来,好释放给DMA控制器使用。
- The core and the memory bus will run faster and faster, it seems more PWR/GND need to supply enough peak current. 内核与存储器总线运行速度越来越快,似乎更多的PWR/GND需要供应足够的峰值电流。
- NUMA alleviates these bottlenecks by limiting the number of CPUs on any one memory bus and connecting the various nodes by means of a high speed interconnection. NUMA通过限制任何一条内存总线上的CPU数量并依靠高速互连来连接各个节点,从而缓解了这些瓶颈状况。
- This works fine for a relatively small number of CPUs, but not when you have dozens, even hundreds, of CPUs competing for access to the shared memory bus. 这种方式非常适用于CPU数量相对较少的情况,但不适用于具有几十个甚至几百个CPU的情况,因为这些CPU会相互竞争对共享内存总线的访问。
- Physical shared memory bus, message translating LAN and copy shared memory network are the main interconnecting technology using in distributed real-time simulation. 分布式仿真系统可采用的联接方式主要有物理共享内存总线、消息传递网络和复制共享内存网络三种。
- CPU might therefore be unable to issue memory operations at peak speeds since it has to compete with the device in order to obtain access to the memory bus. 因为它必须为了要获得对记忆体汇流排的存取,以装置竞争,一个中央处理器可能因此不能够以尖峰速度发行记忆体运算。
- By combining the three lock-unlock pairs into a single lock-unlock pair, performance is improved by reducing instruction count and reducing the amount of synchronization traffic on the memory bus. 把三个上锁-解锁对组合到一个上锁-解锁对,降低了指令数量和内存总线上同步流量的数量,从而提高了性能。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
- They managed to squash forty people into the bus. 那辆公共汽车好不容易塞进了四十个人。
- As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head. 当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。
- Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus here? 是否可在此购买观光巴士券?
- He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus. 他跑得很快以便赶上那末班车。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- He goes to school not by bus, but on foot. 他去上学不是乘公共汽车,而是走路去的。