- I suggest we consider the form of partnership. 我建议可以考虑采取合伙制形式。
- Our external resource policy is one of partnership. 我们的外部资源政策就是合作关系的一部分。
- memorandum of partnership 合股协定
- Memorandum of NSF Meeting in the Office of Mr. Carl Kaysen, Dec. 国家安全委员会幕僚在凯森办公室的会议备忘录。
- We will send you the memorandum of this transaction in a few days. 我们将于日内把此笔交易的备忘录寄给你方。
- View client business from the perspective of partnership. 从合作的长远角度来对待客户的业务。
- Disputes are more likely when there are no articles of partnership. 特别是没有合伙章程的场合,争议更易发生。
- Memorandum of Understanding concerning Tourism Cooperation. 旅游合作双边谅解备忘录。
- The objective of signing a memorandum of understanding between the two companies is to explore the options for partnership in the area of hybrids and electric vehicles powered by lithium batteries. 其目的是签署了一项谅解备忘录,两家公司之间是探讨选择合作伙伴在该地区的杂交种和电动汽车采用锂电池.
- Four memorandums of cooperation have been signed. 共推动了4项中外项目合作备忘录的签订。
- Gifu is the rune of partnerships in all realms. 它代表所有关于同伴的关系。
- Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Hybrid Rice Technology. 杂交水稻技术合作谅解备忘录。
- The General Regulations, Rules and Memorandum of the relevant discipline. 是指总则,以及相关比赛项目的规则和备忘录。
- The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation. 双方签署了合作谅解备忘录。
- Held the agent has implied authority to sign the memorandum of contract. 裁定:房地产经纪人有签署合同备忘录的隐示代理权。
- So far though, the project is little more than a memorandum of understanding. 但是迄今为止,这项工程仅限于一项协议。
- Recognition of these three factors is helpful in developing an equitable plan for the division of partnership profits. 确认这三个因素有助于产生一个公平的利润分配方法。
- It is the world trend to allow the legal entity to become a partner in the law of partnership. 允许法人成为合伙人是世界合伙法律制度的发展趋势。
- The two sides also signed a memorandum of understanding on the protection of intellectual property in textile industry. 双方还在纺织业方面签署了一份保护知识产权的谅解备忘录。
- Delegation of Honam University, Korea visited Tzu Chi University and signed Memorandum of Understanding with TCU. 韩国湖南大学贵宾参访慈济大学并与本校签订姐妹校备忘录。