- The role of RES in the new member states of EU 欧盟新成员国的可再生能源资源利用状况
- Recent Development of Consumer Credit in the Member States of EU and its Implication 欧盟成员国消费信贷的最新发展及其启示
- France is one of the member states of the ELL. 法国是欧洲联盟成员国之一。
- member states of EU 欧盟成员国
- The Brussels Office represents Hong Kong's economic and trade interests to the European Commission and (through the commission) most of the member states of the EU. 驻布鲁塞尔办事处代表香港,向欧洲委员会争取经济贸易利益,同时也通过该委员会,向欧盟大部分成员国争取经贸利益。
- The Directive aims to reduce the disparities, compels all Member States of the EU to adopt the remedies based on the existing best practices. 此指令旨在减少各成员国在知识产权法律制度上的不同,强制各成员国采用目前最切实际的制度。
- Since the arrival of Euro in early 1999, the single monetary policy of EU member states is conducted by the ECB, while the fiscal policies are still controlled by the individual states. 随着欧元区的正式组建和启动 ,欧元区成员国的货币政策由欧洲中央银行统一负责制订 ,而财政政策则仍主要为各国政府自行控制和掌握。
- In order to have some say and to scrutinise the government all member states of the EU today has established an institution within their national parliaments, the Committee of European Affairs. 本研究旨在探讨国民小学教师甄选制度实施现况、面临问题,并提出改进意见。本研究目的为:一、瞭解台湾地区国小教师甄选制度。二、瞭解台湾地区国小教师甄选实施之现况。
- Several other member states are also expected to support amending a key 2004 EU directive, which bolsters the rights of EU citizens and their family members to move and freely reside within the EU. 其他一些成员国也将支持修改2004年的一个关键欧盟指令,它增强了权利的欧盟公民及其家庭成员移动和自由居住在欧盟内部。
- EEE sold by distance is counted in the Member State of the purchaser. 在成员国的购买者,通过远程销售的电子电器产品也被计算在内。
- This compares favourably with most member states of the ILO in the Asia-Pacific region. 现时适用于香港的《国际劳工公约》有45条,数量较国际劳工组织大部分亚太区会员国为多。
- The Delegation counted on the understanding and support from distinguished Member States of WIPO. 代表团希望得到WIPO杰出成员国的支持与理解。
- Is EU to Be the United States of Europe? 欧盟会成为欧洲合众国吗?
- However, it offered a more attractive package for the Member States of WIPO to join. 无论如何,它提供的一揽子方案更能吸引WIPO成员国加入。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
- CE mark is an quality and safety mark for the equipment and product shared by the member states of European Union. CE标志是欧盟各成员国共用的设备和产品质量与安全标志。
- The member states of the Swiss Confederation concluded the Diet of Stans, an agreement whereby civil war was averted. 瑞士联邦各成员国结束了施坦斯会议,得出了避免内战的共同协议。
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。
- This 1965 treaty obliges the member states of the United Nations to make laws to curb racial discrimination. 这一1965年的协约促使了美国的成员州立法来限制种族歧视。
- The house has fallen into a state of neglect. 这所房屋已处于荒废的状态。