- C. Create a domain user account on a member server. 在成员伺服器上建立网域使用者帐户。
- The DFS root can be hosted on a member server or on a domain controller. DFS根目录可以成员服务器或域控制器为宿主。
- Each original table is split into a member table on each member server. 在每台成员服务器上,将每个原始表拆分为一个成员表。
- For the greatest location transparency, the name of the member databases should be the same on each member server, although this is not required. 为了获得最大程度的位置透明度,各个成员服务器上的成员数据库的名称应当相同,但这并不是必需的。
- After you create the member tables, you define a distributed partitioned view on each member server, with each view having the same name. 创建成员表之后,在每个成员服务器上定义一个分布式分区视图,并且各个视图具有相同的名称。
- The time at the Primary Domain Controller is different than the time at the Backup Domain Controller or member server by too large an amount. 主域控制器上的时间和辅助域控制器或成员服务器上的时间相差很大。
- The application layer must be able to collocate SQL statements on the member server that contains most of the data referenced by the statement. 应用程序层必须能够将SQL语句配置到包含语句所引用的大部分数据的成员服务器上。
- When designing a federated database system, partition all the tables so that all related data is located on the same member server. 设计联合数据库系统时,应对所有表进行分区,以使所有相关的数据都位于同一台成员服务器上。
- D. Disable directory replication on the member server, and configure the domain user account to allow local logon to the server. 在成员伺服器上停用目录复写,并设定网域使用者帐户以允许从本机登入伺服器。
- The system operates as if a copy of the original table is on each member server, but each server has only a member table and a distributed partitioned view. 系统将像每个成员服务器上都有原表的一个副本那样进行操作,但其实每个服务器上只有一个成员表和一个分布式分区视图。
- In Exchange 2007, the Edge Transport server role is deployed in your organization's perimeter network as a stand-alone server or as a member server of a perimeter-based Active Directory domain. 在Exchange 2007中,边缘传输服务器角色在组织的外围网络中作为独立的服务器或基于外围的Active Directory域的成员服务器进行部署。
- High Security- Member Server Baseline. Inf 服务器的成员服务器基准中的
- Enterprise Client - Member Server Baseline. Inf 成员服务器企业客户端-成员服务器基准
- Exchange servers are considered to be member servers; therefore, be sure to apply the appropriate Member Server Baseline policy (Enterprise Client - Member Server Baseline. Inf) to each Exchange server. Exchange服务器被视为成员服务器;因此;应确保对每个Exchange服务器应用了适当的成员服务器基线策略(Enterprise Client-Member Server Baseline.;inf)。
- He is an active member of the school's stamp club. 他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。
- Our club is a member of the Football League. 我们的俱乐部是足球联合会的一员。
- The server is introducing the pub. 侍者正在介绍这家酒店。
- The Windows Member Server GPO security templates (included with the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide) enable minimum session security for NTLM security support provider (SSP)-based servers and clients. Windows成员服务器GPO安全模板(包括在Windows Server 2003 Security Guide中)对于基于NTLM Security Support Provider(SSP)的服务器和客户端启用最小会话安全。
- He is as much a member of the orchestra as Tom. 他和汤姆同样是管弦乐队的成员。
- He is a member of the Ivy League. 他是长春藤联合会的一员。