- That is, the so-called 1 megabit per second. 也就是所谓的每秒1兆。
- Fast data rate, up to 100 megabits per second (Mbps) or over. 其数据传递速率高,可达100兆位/秒(Mbps)甚至更高。
- Its average advertised download speed is 95 megabits per second. 它在广告中宣传的平均下载速度是95兆字节每秒。
- Its average advertiseddownload speed is 95 megabits per second. 它宣传的平均下载速度为95兆位/秒。
- For mailbox servers, a full duplex 100 megabits per second (Mbps) network connection is typically sufficient. 就邮箱服务器而言,通常一个每秒100兆比特(Mbps)的全双工网络连接已足够。
- And transferred two DVD movies at an average speed of more than 923 megabits per second. 以平均每秒923 megabits的速度传送了两部DVD电影。
- And the average speed of these Korean networks is 3 megabits per second, about twice as fast as most U.S. systems. 韩国网络的平均速度是每秒3兆比特,这大约是大多数美国网络系统速度的两位。
- Asian and European customers get home connections of 25 to 100 megabits per second (fast enough to stream high-definition video). 亚州欧州接入家庭的传输速率在25-100兆比特每秒(不够快流高清晰度电视)。
- The original data rate of 10 megabits per second has been increased to 100 megabits per second for a new standard known as fast ethernet. 资料速率从原始每秒10 mb增加到100 mb,这新的标准称为高速以太网络。
- The chip also supports the new Bluetooth Extended Data Rate (EDR), providing raw bandwidth of 3 Megabits per second for wireless applications. 该芯片还支持新的蓝牙扩展数据率(EDR技术),提供原料的带宽3兆比特每秒,为无线应用。
- The RF bypass supports data rates of up to 311 Megabits per second, more than 200 times faster than most cable or DSL connections. RF旁路支持数据速率达到每秒311M,比大部分电缆或DSL连接快200倍。
- It supports the TD / EDGE dual-mode standard, TD-HSDPA support built modules, downlink rate can be as high as 2.8 megabits per second. 它支持TD/EDGE双模制式;支持TD-HSDPA的内置模块,下行速率可以高达2.;8兆每秒。
- Each GbE port can operate at 10/100/1000 Megabits per second (Mbps) while each 10GbE port can operate in either 10GbE mode or stacking mode. 每一GbE埠能以10/100/1000Megabits模式工作,而每一10GbE端口能够以10GbE模式或堆栈模式工作。
- Users of IEEE 802.11b can expect maximum transmission speeds of about 5.5 megabits per second (Mbps) across open-space distances of up to 100 meters. IEEE802.;11b用户可享有的最高传输速度大约是每秒5
- With USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed USB), 480 megabits per second (Mbps) of data can be transmitted, and everything else is the same as for USB 1.1. 利用USB 2.;0(高速USB)可传输480兆位每秒(Mbps)的数据,其它则与USB 1
- And expensive, to me, Yantai, Shandong Province, where for example, 1 megabit per second to 600 yuan, 2 trillion a year to 1,000 yuan. 而且费用昂贵,以我所在的山东烟台为例,每秒1兆要600元人民币,2兆要1000元人民币一年。
- Modbus Plus An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data transfer rates of one megabit per second (MBPS). 一种工业网络,它使用令牌环点对点通讯模式传输数据,可达一百万位每秒。
- A type of networking technology for local area networks,originally developed by Xerox Corporation,coaxial cable carries radio frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second. 一种服务于局域网的网络技术,最初由施乐公司发展,同轴电缆以每秒兆的速度在计算机之间传输无线电连续信号。
- Modbus Plus An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data transfer rates of one megabit per second (MBPS). The network media is shielded twisted-pair cable. 一种工业网络,它使用令牌环点对点通讯模式传输数据,可达一百万位每秒。网络介质使用屏蔽双绞线。
- An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data transfer rates of one megabit per second (MBPS). The network media is shielded twisted-pair cable. 一种工业网络,它使用令牌环点对点通讯模式传输数据,可达一百万位每秒。网络介质使用屏蔽双绞线。