- However, the sniffer doesn't reply to the meeting organizer. 但是,sniffer不会答复会议组织者。
- If two time zones are shown, the meeting organizer's time zone is the reference point. 如果显示两个时区,将以会议组织者的时区作为参考点。
- It also replaces the subject line of meeting requests with the name of the meeting organizer. 它还会使用会议组织者的姓名替换会议请求的主题行。
- Called Meeting Organizer is the number of times subscribers called the meeting organizer. Called Meeting Organizer是订阅者呼叫会议组织者的次数。
- Depending on the scheduling role membership of the meeting organizer, this meeting request can be automatically approved or declined. 根据会议组织者的调度角色成员身份,可自动批准或拒绝此会议请求。
- In some cases, the meeting request requires special handling to determine if the meeting organizer can schedule a conference room. 在某些情况下,需要对会议请求进行特殊处理以确定会议组织者是否可安排会议室。
- In this case, an acknowledgement is sent to the meeting organizer, and the request is kept in the resource mailbox or forwarded to a delegate. 在此情况下,将向会议组织者发送确认,并将请求保留在资源邮箱中或转发给某个被委派的用户。
- Go prepared. Read the agenda prior to the meeting and bring along a notepad. If you are the meeting organizer, make sure you issue an agenda beforehand. 好的准备。在会议前,了解议事安排,带上记事本。如果你是会议组织者,务必事先发出会议排程。
- Based on the resource booking policies that are configured for a resource mailbox, meeting requests may require special handling to determine if the meeting organizer can schedule the resource. 根据为资源邮箱配置的资源预定策略,会议请求可以要求特殊处理以确定会议组织者是否可以调度资源。
- By making a choice, you keep the meeting organizer apprised of your decision and you prevent the meetings that you want to attend from being accidentally deleted. 通过做出选择,可以使会议组织者及时得知您的决定,您也可以防止误删需要出席的会议。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- Responsible for the meeting organizing and arrangement of the department, mean while responsible for the cahier summary of the meeting. 负责组织安排部门召开的会议,做好会务工作和记录、纪要。
- Business coaching allows managers to play the role of professional business coaches for meeting organizational challenges and motivating others in their work environment. 允许经营管理者扮演教练专业教练为商务会议组织的挑战和激励他人他们的工作环境。
- In October 1999, our plan was adopted unanimously by the group of more 30 specialists in the demonstration meeting organized by the Plan Committee of Quzhou. 99年10月,在衢州市计委主持的项目总体规划论证会上,与会专家30余人一致通过了总体规划设计方案。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- He shunned meeting any of his friends. 他避免与他的任何朋友碰面。
- I really wanted to slap her during the meeting. 在开会的时候我真想赏她一巴掌。
- The meeting is gone on in very friendly atmosphere. 会议在非常友好的气氛中进行。