- Medium Altitude Bombing 中空轰炸
- After take off, the plane flies up from medium altitude to high altitude. 飞机起飞后,由中空飞向高空。
- The General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.MQ-1/Predator UAV, a medium altitude, long-endurance vehicle, is the largest current generation UAV in service with the U. 通用原子航空系统公司生产的中空长航时MQ-1/“捕食者”无人机是目前在美国军事上服役的最大的当代无人机机型。
- Jet Conventional Low Altitude Bombing System 喷气式飞机常规低空轰炸系统
- Low Altitude Bombing Position Indicating Equipment 低空轰炸位置指示设备
- To detect the risk factots of LBW in medium altitude (2260 m),a case-control study was conduct in Xining during 1993. 6-1994. 12. The subjects of study consisted of 147 term LBW and their parents with 147 controls. 为了研究亚高原(2260米)LBW发病原因,我们于1993年6月一1994年12月对西宁市147对对象进行一次病例对照研究。
- Low Altitude Bombing Position Indicator Equipment 低空轰炸位置指示装置
- Automatic low Altitude Bombing System 自动低空轰炸系统
- Medium Altitude Clear Air Turbulence 中空晴空湍流
- Medium Altitude Communications System 中高度通信系统
- Medium Altitude Communications Satellite 中高度通信卫星
- Medium Altitude Communications Satellite System 中高度通信卫星系统
- Medium Altitude Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 中高度耐久无人驾驶飞行器
- We launched a bombing raid on enemy bases. 我们对敌方基地实施了突然袭击。
- The bombing raid practically leveled the town. 空袭几乎把这座城镇夷为平地。
- Whole villages were wiped out in the bombing raids. 整座整座的村庄都在轰炸中摧毁了。
- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。
- MTF; medium altitude endurance unmanned aerial vehicle; 中空续航无人驾驶飞行器;
- We are flying at an altitude of 20000 feet. 我们的飞行高度是20000英尺。
- There was a bomb scare during the procession. 在列队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌。