- Medium plate rolling mill is the hardcore of a medium plate plant,and it is important to monitor operation conditions of the rolling mill on line. 中板轧机是中板厂最重要的生产设备,对其工况进行在线监测意义重大。
- The method of realizing a creeping control with PLC of the front and rear extensional transmission rollers on medium plate rolling mill at SISG is described in the paper. 介绍韶钢中板轧机前后延伸辊道上利用plc可编程控制器实现蠕动控制的方法.
- The draught pressure and production capacity of three-high Lauth roughing mill in the medium plate rolling mill Jinan Iron and Steel Company is very low. 济钢中板厂三辊劳特式粗轧机轧制力小,生产能力低,已经不能满足公司进一步发展的需要,因此必须进行改造。本次改造采取不停产改造方式,将三辊轧机改为四辊轧机。
- four-high medium plate rolling mill 四辊中板轧机
- On-line computer monitoring system for medium plate rolling mill based on fuzzy information processing 基于模糊信息处理的中板轧机微机在线监测系统
- medium plate rolling mill 中厚板精轧机
- This paper introduces application of giant power fully digital DC adjusting speed system in four rolling mill of medium plate plant of Jinan Iron and Stell Group. 介绍大功率全数字直流调速系统在济钢中板厂四辊轧机上的应用。
- The caster and plate rolling mill of Nucor Hertford were supplied by Danieli. 摘要美国纽柯公司贺特福德中厚板厂的板坯连铸机和轧机由达涅利公司提供。
- Abstract The caster and plate rolling mill of Nucor Hertford were supplied by Danieli. 摘要 美国纽柯公司贺特福德中厚板厂的板坯连铸机和轧机由达涅利公司提供。
- The basic characteristic of the new transmission syst em of plate rolling mill is introduced, and the rolling process is simply analyzed. 邯郸钢铁集团有限公司中板厂轧机传动系统设备老化,故障率高,为此进行了改造。文中介绍了新系统的基本特征,并对轧制工艺进行了简要分析。
- automatic rolling mill for medium plates 自动化中板轧机
- The structure of rotary joint used for complete set of aluminum plates rolling mill are analysed. The detail introduction of modified structure is given. 对铝板轧机成套设备中使用的旋转接头的结构进行了分析,介绍了改造后旋转接头的详细结构。
- The Practice of the Rolling Mill Transformation in the Medium Plate Mill 中板厂轧机改造的实践
- Methods to Increase Plate Rolling Mill Bearing Life 提高板材轧机轴承寿命的途径
- Set-up Method of Roll Gap Value in Heavy and Medium Plate Rolling 中厚板轧制辊缝值的设定方法
- Design and Reconstruction of Finishing Plate Mill Roll Water Cooling System in Medium Plate Rolling Plant 中板厂精轧机轧辊水冷却系统改造设计
- Rolling force models of middle-thick plate rolling mill 中厚板轧机的轧制压力模型
- Application of Equal Load Function Method to Medium Plate Rolling Schedule 综合等负荷函数法在中厚板规程分配中的应用
- The AGC computer control system of a plate rolling mill 首钢中厚板轧机AGC计算机控制系统