- medical geographical condition 医学地理条件
- Abstrcat>The special geographical condition of Mount Wutai gained its high position in Chinese revolutionary history. 五台山独特的地理条件使它在中国革命史上具有崇高的地位。
- The special geographical condition of Mount Wutai gained its high position in Chinese revolutionary history. 五台山独特的地理条件使它在中国革命史上具有崇高的地位。
- Chinese geographical condition does not suit what Luo Mandi overcomes the action badly to carry out, this is soft costal region. 中国地理状况严重不适合罗曼蒂克行动的实施,此乃软肋之二。
- Yangzhou is an ancient,beautiful,cultural and tourist city,with landscape scene and outstanding personalities and advantageous geographical condition. 扬州是一个古老而又美丽的文化旅游城市,风光秀丽、人杰地灵。
- The reasons that such status can be formed and Hakka culture can be preserved in Changting are much relevance to geographical condition. 客家迁移的时空跨度较大,长汀作为迁移过程中的一个结点,逐步发展成为"客家首府",其地位成因同地理环境有着密不可分的关系。
- Unique climate and geographical condition make Heilongjiang province become an origin of ice lamp, especially provincial capital Haerbin city is a cradle of ice and snow art. 独特的气候及地域优势,使黑龙江省成为冰灯制作的发源地,省会城市哈尔滨更是中国冰雪艺术的摇篮,其冰灯驰名中外,饮誉华夏。
- It is a child's poem,a young girl's dream. Every nation and country in the world has its own unique. magnificent mythology,including China,But because of its own history and geographical condition,Chinese mythology is scattered and fragmentary. 神话是人类童年时期的照片,是孩子的诗,少女的梦,世界上每个古老的国家和民族,都有其独特、宏伟的神话,中国也不例外,但由于地理条件、历史的原因等,中国神话呈现零星片断的状况,而且由于过早地历史化、哲学化,使中国神话又散亡了许多,因而中国被认为是"没有神话的国家"。
- Maritime casualties through Bosporus depends on many factors such as special geographical condition,lack of visibility sea and weather condition,human errors(the pilotage),technical unavailability,and ship traffic density etc. 博斯普鲁斯海峡的海上事故取决于很多因素,包括特殊的地理条件、海洋和天气条件下可见性缺乏、人为错误(领航)、技术无效性,以及海峡交通密度等。
- Withprogress of global economy, the advantages of international trade in services do notcome from clear "natural factors", as, geographical condition, resources and theprice of labor force, but come from human capital and institution, etc. 随着经济水平的不断提高和国际经济新格局的逐渐形成,国际服务贸易的比较优势已经不是单一的来自明确的“自然因素”,诸如地理环境、资源和劳动力价格,而是比以往更大程度的依赖于人力资本和制度等因素。
- So far as their physical setting is concerned, the economic conditions resemble the geographical conditions. 经济条件的性质,从其自然性一方面看来,也和地理条件相同。
- Not relaxed topic looks from geographical condition, our country is an ocean big country, and go analysing from recognizant level, the idea of person of our country great majority was far from ocean. 并不轻松的话题从地理条件看 ,我国是一个海洋大国 ,而从意识层面去分析 ,我国绝大多数人的观念远离了海洋。
- Is located in Jiangsu, Anhui junction, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Huai'an between the three cities, backed by 205 Huaiyang line, geographical condition is superior to facilitate traffic information. 地处苏、皖交界,南京、扬州、淮安三市之间,背靠205道淮扬线,地理条件优越交通信息便利。
- So far as their physical setting is concerned,the economic conditions resemble the geographical conditions. 经济条件的性质,从其自然性一方面看来,也和地理条件相同。
- Considering the special geographical condition and climatic condition of Yunnan province, this paper proposed different modes of eco-typical agriculture engineer on the basis of firedamp engineer. 为此,对云南省农业废弃物资源和沼气发展现状进行了分析,阐述了云南省发展沼气工程的必要性;
- Commonly, this is ascribed to the geographical conditions under which they lived. 一般说来,这种情形被认为是其所处的地理环境所致。
- But, of the reason that grows as a result of the history, society and natural, geographical condition restrict, the productivity level of the area that think of cogongrass is very low still. 但是,由于历史、社会发展的原因和自然、地理条件的制约,思茅地区的生产力水平还十分低下。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- They have favorable climatic and geographical conditions in the competition. I believe they will win. 这次比赛,他们占尽了天时、地利、人和,我相信他们一定能赢。
- Abstract Geographical conditions are related to the supersession of literary thoughts. 地理环境是不断变化的,文艺思潮也有更迭发展,两者之间更有关系可寻。