- medicaid impact analysis 医疗援助效果分析
- The Evaluator has performed an impact analysis of the request. 评估人已经进行了需求变更的影响分析。
- Subject: US National Security Impact Analysis: Release of "Redacted" Cox Committee Report. 内容:美国国家安全影响分析:“修订的”考克斯委员会报告。
- Once you have collected the data, you can apply impact analysis studies against the inventory. 一旦收集完数据,您就可以对照存储清单应用后果分析研究。
- In March 2006, a Workshop on Evaluation and Impact Analysis was held to provide an insight into international development evaluation best practices. 2006年3月,举行了一次关于评价与影响分析的讲习班,以探讨国际发展评价方面的最佳做法。
- Climatological information finds applications in activities ranging from recreation through engineering design and environmental impact analysis to litigation. 气候资料对于各类活动,从康乐活动、工程设计、环境影响分析、以至法律诉讼等,皆有应用价值。
- Evaluating and analyzing applications systems request for both new and existing computer system. Provide business impact analysis to core project team. 为新的和现存的计算机系统评估和分析软件系统要求,提供业务影响分析师到核心项目组;
- Based on the shortages of Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA),this paper puts forward a new method Regional Traffic Impact Analysis(RTIA). 分析了单体交通影响评价(Traffic Impact Analysis,TIA)存在的不足,提出了要协调更大范围的交通与开发必需开展区域交通影响评价(Regional Traffic Impact Analysis,RTIA)。
- Soumya S.Dey,Jon D.Fricker.Traffic impact analysis and impact fees in state departments of transportation[J].ITE.Journal,1994(5). 王丽.;大城市交通影响分析体系研究[D]
- Lankarani H M, Nikravesh P E. Continuous contact force models for impact analysis in multibody systems [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 1994, 5:193-207. 阎绍泽贾书惠.;含间隙的变拓扑多体系统动力学建模分析[J]
- According to the analysis of traffic impact on land exploitation, the need of the traffic impact analysis (TIA) was introduced. 摘要通过分析土地开发对交通的影响,提出进行交通影响分析的必要性。
- This is where discussions about concurrency come in and it is in fact very similar to a problem encountered in time impact analysis. 这也就是现在关于同期延误的争论的一个问题,实际上这和在时间影响分析法中遇到的情况差不多。
- The country also thanked WIPO for all the help given to developing countries, particularly with the economic impact analysis of intellectual property in those countries. 该国还感谢WIPO向发展中国家提供的所有帮助,尤其是对那些国家的知识产权进行经济影响分析。
- Member of Toronto 2008 Olympic Bid Committee; expert of Community and Economic Impact Analysis; senior consultant for international project development. 加拿大多伦多2008奥申会委员,社区分析及经济影响专家,资深国际项目发展顾问。
- The reasons of gate impactive failures are analyzed ,so impactive analysis methods are put forward. 分析了引起闸门受撞破坏的原因,提出了开展闸门受撞分析的方法和思路。
- For a requirement change, use the Impact Analysis Checklist for Requirements Changes, the Effort Estimation Worksheet for a Requirement Change, and the Impact Analysis Report Template. 对一个需求变更,用影响分析检查表,工作量估计表,以及影响分析报告模板进行评估。
- This may be contrasted with the time impact analysis method that specifically sets out to model the consequential effects of an event whether or not that was how it ended up happening. 这与事件影响法不同,后者会专门针对一个事件的影响建模,来检验它是不是和最后发生的结果一致。
- Based on the characteristics of residential traffic demand, this paper proposes the principle of residential traffic impact analysis (TIA), and suggests a work sequence for residential TIA. 从住宅项目交通需求特点出发,提出住宅开发项目交通影响评价原则,指出了住宅开发项目交通影响+分析流程。
- These are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. 其中包括社会安全保障,医疗保险制度,公共医疗补助。
- These bullets fragment on impact. 这些子弹射中物体时爆炸成碎片。