- The latest mediation effort to break the political deadlock is being led by former U.N. secretary general Kofi Annan. 前联合国秘书长安南正领导着一项为打破政治僵局而进行的最新调停努力。
- The head of the African Union, Ghanaian President John Kufuor, is in Nairobi to lead a joint mediation effort with the Commonwealth, represented by former president of Sierra Leone Ahmed Tejan Kabbah. 非盟轮值主席、加纳总统约翰.;库富尔正在内罗毕主持与塞拉利昂前总统艾哈迈德
- America's mediation efforts aren't working,and the lethal exchanges between Israelis and Palestinians show no signs of letting up. 美国人所做的调停不起作用,而以巴双方的流血冲突也不见任何缓和的迹象。
- Both governments thanked Turkey for its mediation efforts but neither government would discuss details of the talks. 两国政府都感谢土耳其的调停工作,但是,两国政府都不愿透露会谈的细节。
- We are working on mediation efforts to secure a cease fire and we are urging the parties to restart their dialogue. 我们正进行调停努力以取得停火。我们敦促各方恢复会谈。”
- The head of the African Union, Ghanaian President John Kufuor, is also expected to lead mediation efforts in the coming days. 星期二,奥廷加直率地拒绝了肯尼亚领导人齐贝吉提出的星期五在他的官邸会晤的建议。奥廷加说,齐贝吉是在利用计划好的会晤来搞公关伎俩。
- Closely following Chris Patten's trips to India and Pakistan, the British Foreign Minister Straw will arrive in South Asian region on the 27th for mediation efforts. 紧接着彭定康的印巴之行,英国外交大臣斯特劳将于27日抵达南亚地区斡旋。
- At a signing ceremony with her US counterpart, Livni said Friday's accord and parallel mediation efforts by Egypt can create a basis for an Israeli decision to end hostilities. 在签署仪式上和她的副手,李伟尼说星期五的一致和由埃及平行的调解努力可以为以色列决定结束敌意创建一个基础。
- Speaking in the Dominican Republic, he gave no sign that he'd softened his position following US-backed mediation efforts last week and promised new efforts to return to power in Honduras. 参考翻译:塞拉亚在多米尼加共和国发表讲话,经过上周美国试图调停的努力之后没有表现出任何软化立场的迹象,并承诺将继续努力争取夺回洪都拉斯政权。
- The thought nerved me to make an other effort. 这种想法激励我再作一番努力。
- The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon says he deplores the fact that the government of Zimbabwe does not welcome mediation efforts by the UN in its dispute with the opposition. 联合国秘书长潘基文发表讲话称,对津巴布韦政府不欢迎联合国调停其与敌方冲突所作的努力,表示强烈谴责。
- The brandy nerved him for an effort. 白兰地酒给他努力发奋的勇气。
- His latest effort is a poor excuse for a novel. 他最近的作品只是一部劣质的小说。
- The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says he deplores the fact that the government ofZimbabwedoes not welcome mediation efforts by the UN in its dispute with the opposition.Mr. 联合国安理会秘书长潘基文讲道:他对津巴布韦政府不愿意联合国就其与反对派有争议的地方进行斡旋深表痛惜。
- He braced every nerve for a supreme effort. 他振作精神准备全力以赴。
- The Kenyan crisis has continued despite mediation efforts by, among others, U.S.Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer and Ghanaian President John Kufuor in his capacity as African Union chief. 尽管美国助理国务卿弗雷泽和非盟轮值主席、加纳总统库福尔以及其他人进行了斡旋工作,肯尼亚的危机还在持续。
- The government of Botswana which has been involved in mediation efforts in Zimbabwe says holding a re-run of the presidential election is the only way to break the political deadlock in Zimbabwe. 最近卷入了津巴布韦的调停工作中的博茨瓦纳政府说只有再次选举总统才能打破津巴布韦的政治僵局。
- It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box. 抬起这只沉重的箱子要花费相当大的力气。
- I rallied all my energy for further effort. 我振作精神以做再次的努力。
- Effort and achievement are always in full accord. 努力和成就总是相辅相承的。