- Therefore, the broadcasting station has become a media market dazzling nova. 于是,广播电台成了媒体市场的一颗耀眼新星。
- Finally, the author lodge the media marketing should promote from the marketing level upto the social marketing level. 最后作者还提出媒体营销应从市场营销上升到社会营销层面。
- This paper retrospects the history and motives happened and happening in Chinese media marketing. 本文追溯我国传媒市场化的发生发展历史和动因。
- It has a practical meaning when the western media are coveting and challenging our media market. 这在西方巨型媒介集团觊觎我国传媒市场、国内传媒业面临巨大挑战的背景下尤其具有现实意义。
- The media market segmentation is a trend of the times which is a reality the media can not evade in competition. 摘要传媒市场细分化是大势所趋,也是媒体面对竞争所无法回避的现实。
- The most obvious benefit of social media marketing is traffic, but the traffic means very little if it doesn’t convert into something. 社会媒体上推销的最明显的成果就是流量,但是如果流量不能带来其他的东西,也就没有什么意义了。
- Yin miao: Give me a good opportunity in the media market is now not only their own section to do the very place, and can it sold is very rare. 尹淼:给我带来了很好的机遇,在现在的传媒市场既能把自己的栏目做的很到位,又能把它销售出去是非常少见的。
- I don't think we know enough about the economics of the media market to say with certainty what concentration and integration will do. 我不认为我们知道足够的关于媒体市场经济学的知识来确定的说集中和整合将要做什么。
- I will say, though, that Alan Mulally has mentioned this several times, including the time he had the “Tweet-up” with [Ford social media marketing guru] Scott Monty. 我要说的是,穆拉利提及多次,包括时间,他的“鸣叫”的与[福特社会媒体营销大师]斯科特蒙哥马利。
- Along with the formalization of the social stratum in China today, the media ecology had corresponding change, the media market started to subdivide. 摘要随着中国社会阶层结构的定型,大众传媒生态也发生了相应变迁,媒介市场开始细分。
- Yet the strategy has worked in giving people something different to look forward to - and it has managed to find a niche for itself in an already squeezed Taiwanese media market. 这样的做法还是足以让台湾媒体耳目一新,成功在饱和的市场另辟蹊径。
- The media market is all about how people get their information today, and the newspaper industry is frantically trying to figure out how to attract readers, or merely survive. 媒体市场完全在于今天的人们怎样获得自己的信息,而报业正在抓狂,试图找到吸引读者或者仅仅生存下去的办法。
- Our TV media industry should use the experience of the world media development,conform to the trend of the industry development and actively do well our TV media market. 我国电视传媒业要应对加入WTO之后国际传媒业的“入侵”压力,就必须借鉴世界电视传媒业的发展经验,顺应行业发展趋势,积极做好我国电视传媒市场化大整合的各项研究和准备工作。
- So peine continuously upgrade the standard of the internationalization of production, in changing China's media market and the customers were new policy image. 使派纳不断提升国际化制作水准,在不断变化的中国媒体市场与客户共策影像新法。
- And proposing the development countermeasure correspondingly is for the purpose of providing some mentalities for the development of our country sports medium market. 相应的提出了发展对策,旨在为我国体育媒介市场的发展提供一些思路。
- Her experience includes extensive work in consumer software and hardware technology, online consumer services, and Internet media markets. 她在消费者软件与硬件技术、在线客户服务和互联网媒体市场等方面拥有丰富的工作经验。
- Democrats, who need to woo voters in the exceptionally pricey Los Angeles and San Francisco media markets, will have to spend even more. 民主党人要在特别昂贵的洛杉矶和旧金山媒体市场拉票,费用也将一路看涨。
- Main factors driving the development of streaming media market are:Internet users,backbone network bandwidth,access network speed,requirements for streaming media service and development of streaming media technology. 推动流媒体市场发展的主要因素有互联网用户、主干网带宽、接入网速度、对流媒体业务的需求和流媒体自身技术的发展。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- Appetent take over Shaanxi to defend the Xin Huayue that inspects right of administration to move predecessor to be new China finance and economics, be in recent years the activist of media market. 意欲接手陕西卫视经营权的新华悦动前身为新华财经,是近年来媒体市场的活跃分子。