- Now he's held the prize aloft, he can't wait to add to his medal tally. 现在他的目标更大了,他等不及增加他的奖牌数量了。
- It finished third in the medal tally in 2000 in Sydney, Australia, behind Russia and the United States. 在2000年澳大利亚悉尼奥运会上,中国在奖牌榜位列第三,仅次于俄罗斯和美国。
- Chinese gymnast Huang Liping captured the men's parallel bars title to increase China's gold medal tally to two at the World Gymnastic'Championships. 中国体操选手黄力平获世界体操锦标赛的男子双杠冠军,这使中国队在金牌榜上的总数增加了两枚。
- The Chinese won 15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally. 他们赢得15枚金牌,在金牌总数中名列第四。
- Chinese gymnast Huang Liping captured the men's parallel bars title to increase China's gold medal tally to two at the World Gymnastic' Championships. 中国体操选手黄力平获世界体操锦标赛的男子双杠冠军,这使中国队在金牌榜上的总数增加了两枚。
- Yes, I know they won 15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally. 是的,我知道,他们赢得了15枚金牌,名列金奖牌榜第四名。
- Q1:The Chinese delegation to the 2000 Olympic Games ranked third on the medal tally chart. How many medals did the Chinese team win at the 2000 Olympics? 问:中国代表团在2000年奥运会上取得优异成绩,在奖牌榜上名列第三名,请问中国代表团在该届奥运会上获得多少金牌?
- Medal tally(/count; standings; table) 奖牌榜
- At the previous two Olympic Games, China ranked fourth respectively on the gold medal tallies. 竞技体育方面已连续在最近两届奥运会上获得金牌和奖牌总数第四名的好成绩。
- At the previous two Olympic Games,China ranked fourth respectively on the gold medal tallies. 竞技体育方面已连续在最近两届奥运会上获得金牌和奖牌总数第四名的好成绩。
- China collected 16 golds, 22 silvers and 12 bronzes, ranking fourth both in gold medals tally and in the total number of medals won. 中国代表团共获得了16枚金牌,22枚枚银牌和12枚铜牌,在金牌榜和总奖牌榜上都名列第四。
- At the 26th China won 16 gold,22 silver and 12 bronze. China finished the fourth in the gold won and the medal tallies at the 23rd,25th,and 26th Olympics. 第26届奥运会上,我国获金牌16枚、银牌22枚、铜牌12枚。金牌和奖牌总数排世界第4名。
- At the 26th China won 16 gold, 22 silver and 12 bronze. China finished the fourth in the gold won and the medal tallies at the 23rd, 25th, and 26th Olympics. 第26届奥运会上,我国获金牌16枚、银牌22枚、铜牌12枚。金牌和奖牌总数排世界第4名。
- He gained the medal through his painful travail. 他通过艰辛的努力获得了奖牌。
- Keep a tally of how much you spend. 把你的花费都记录下来。
- Retain first place in the overall medal tally at the Pusan Asian Games 在滏山亚运会上全部奖牌得分总数保持第一
- He added to his tally in the last minute. 他在比赛最后一分钟又得了分。
- You can buy on tally in this shop. 在这家商店里可以赊购。
- Jack was decorated with a gold medal. 杰克被授予金质奖章。
- You can buy upon tally in this shop. 在这家商店里可以赊购。