- His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment. 他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。
- I am a soldier of the fourth cavalry. 我是第四骑兵部队的一员。
- The cavalry is extremely majestic-looking. 这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。
- He was an officer in the cavalry. 他曾是骑兵军官。
- mechanized cavalry 机械化骑兵
- Mechanized Cavalry Regiment 机械化骑兵团
- The cavalry charged to the front. 骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。
- The cavalry charged the hostile fort. 骑兵向敌方要塞发起冲锋。
- They were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 他们的侧翼受到一队骑兵袭击。
- The cavalry charged into enemy positions. 骑兵突入敌人阵地。
- An agile and brave cavalry rushed at the enemy. 一队剽悍的骑兵向敌军冲去。
- The cavalry coursed the fleeing troops. 骑兵追赶逃跑的败兵。
- The cavalry unit must be remounted immediately. 骑兵部队必须立即补充新马。
- A good deal of housework can be mechanized. 大量家务活可用机械化操作。
- We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。
- He was once an officer in the cavalry. 他曾是骑兵军官。
- They had had several brushes with German cavalry. 他们曾和德国人的骑兵有过几次接触。
- The cavalry man reined up his horse. 骑兵勒住了马。
- He cavalry pounded down on the enemy. 骑兵部队轰隆轰隆地向敌人猛冲过去。
- Lying in broad stretches, this land lends itself to mechanized farming. 这些土地都是一大片一大片的,适合机器耕作。