- mechanical traumatic cataract 机械性外伤性白内障
- Objective To explore the clinical effect of secondary posterior chamber IOL implantation after traumatic cataract surgery. 摘要目的探讨外伤性白内障后房型人工晶状体二期植入术的临床效果。
- Objective To investigate the clinical effects of traumatic cataract extraction with IOL implantation. 摘要目的评价外伤性白内障人工晶体植入术的疗效及问题。
- Objective To observe the surgical results of small incision cataract extraction in traumatic cataract. 目的探讨小切口非超乳白内障摘出术在外伤性白内障手术中的疗效与优点。
- Methods 24 cases of traumatic cataract received small incision cataract extraction and IOLs implantation. 方法24例(24眼)手术均采用小切口非超乳白内障摘出人工晶状体植入术。
- Small incision cataract extraction is safe,effective and convenient for traumatic cataract. 小切口非超乳白内障摘出术在外伤性白内障手术中是一种简便、安全、有效的方法。
- Complications included traumatic cataract, glaucoma, vitrous fibrosis, retinal detachment and phthisis bulbi, ect. 主要的并发症包括外伤性白内障、青光眼、玻璃体纤维化、视网膜剥离及眼球萎缩等。
- Objective To observe the surgical treatment of pediatric traumatic cataract with corneal perforating. 目的观察儿童角膜穿孔伤伴外伤性白内障的临床处理。
- Objective To explore the effect of iridoplasty on intraocalar lens implant surgery in traumatic cataract. 目的观察虹膜损伤修复在合并瞳孔异常的外伤性白内障摘出及人工晶状体植入术中的临床效果。
- Objective To investigate the surgical methods and skills of intraocular lens implantation in traumatic cataract. 目的探讨外伤性白内障人工晶状体植入术的手术方法和术式选择。
- Conclusion The nerve injury is most commonly caused by direct or indirect mechanical trauma. 结论我们认为大多数神经损伤是由于手术中直接或间接的机械损伤所致。
- Objective To study the relationship of form deprivation of traumatic cataract and axial my opia. 目的探讨外伤性白内障形觉剥夺与轴性近视的关系。
- Objective To study the clinical effect of Chinese herbal medicine JiuWei Pills in treatment of traumatic cataract. 目的探讨中药治疗外伤性白内障的临床效果。
- Objective To observe the effect of iridoplasty on intraocular lens implantation for traumatic cataract. 目的观察虹膜损伤修复在外伤性白内障摘除+人工晶体植入术中的临床效果。
- Objective To investigate the effect of vision improvement by different surgical treatment of traumatic cataract. 目的探讨外伤性白内障不同的手术方式术后视功能恢复的作用。
- Conclusions Mechanical trauma and infectious corneal disorders are the most common causes of pediatric keratoplasty as well as pediatric corneal blindness in North China. 结论机械性外伤和感染性角膜病是我国北方地区儿童角膜移植最常见的病因,也是导致该地区儿童角膜盲的主要致病因素。
- Conclusion It was proved effective by using posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in traumatic cataract. 尽可能行后房型人工晶状体植入,以利于双眼立体视觉的建立。
- Methods: Using vitreous cutter to remove the traumatic cataract mixed with fragments of vitreous through the incision of limbus. 方法:采用玻璃体切除器经角膜缘切除混杂有玻璃体的外伤性白内障。
- Opacity in lens caused by penetrating injury, contusion, radiation injury as well as electric injury are called traumatic cataract. 眼球钝伤、穿通伤和爆炸伤等引起晶体混浊称为外伤性白内障。多见于儿童或年轻人,常单眼发生。
- Objective Discussion on the operation effects and existing problems of the triple procedure for penetrating injury of cornea with traumatic cataract. 目的探讨对角膜穿孔伤合并外伤性白内障、人工晶状体植入联合手术的效果和问题。