- The expression of the equivalent mass and equivalent impedance on a side of the transducer are educed, moreover, the expression of mechanical quality factor and band wide are obtained . 推导出在同一参考面穿孔换能器的等效质量、等效电阻的表达式,进一步得到换能器的机械品质因数和带宽的表达式,得到穿孔尺寸与这些参数之间的关系,从而设计出宽频带换能器。
- The measurement and calculation problems of low-frequency parameters such as the resonance frequency fa, total quality factor QTS, mechanical quality factor QMS, electronical quality factor QES and equivalent volume VAS of loudspeakerds are discussed. 讨论了扬声器低频参数如:谐振频率fs,品质因数QTS,机械品质因数QMS,电品质因数QES,等效容积VAS的测量和计算问题。
- Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics material with the low mechanical quality factor 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法低机械品质因数压电陶瓷材料性能的测试
- The mechanical quality factor Qm and its stability of piezoelectric ceramic materials 压电陶瓷机械品质因数Qm及其温度稳定性
- Keywords magnesium titanate;forsterite;cobalt oxide;microwave;permittivity;mechanical quality factor; 正钛酸镁;镁橄榄石;三氧化二钴;微波;介电常数;机械品质因数;
- mechanical quality factor 机械品质因数
- Study on the Beam Quality factor of Cosh-Gaussian(ChG) Beam[J]. 引用该论文 胡继刚;刘彩霞;邓小玖.
- The Q, or quality factor, of an oscillatory system is a very widely used term. 一个振动系统的q,即质量因子,是一个应用极广的概念。
- Among them the lowest impedance and the best mechanical quality, it is the first kind type piezoelectric wire bonder. 其中阻抗最低且机械品质最佳的,则是第一种型式的压电打线器。
- Keywords: piezoelectric wire bonder, displacement, actuating force, impedance, mechanical quality. 关键字:压电打线器、位移、致动力、阻抗、机械品质。
- The best-selling products of domestic products, mechanical quality to the former State Department, Buban for first-class level. 该产品系国内畅销产品,质量达到原国家机械部,部颁一等品水平。
- A quality factor is somewhat like a craterpocked surface in a multidimensional space. 一个品质因数有点象多维空间中的一张布满洞穴的表面。
- This factory manufacture mechanical quality guaranteed that, defends the credit, wholeheartedly provides the consummation for the general customers the post-sale service. 本厂制造机械质量保证,守信用,竭诚为广大客户提供完善的售后服务。
- Highway in bess regions is often washed out by water, because bess hascollapsibility, special structural characteristics, physical and mechanical quality. 黄土地区公路易受水冲蚀,是由黄土的湿陷性和特殊的结构特征及其物理力学性质所决定的。
- Based on certain mechanical quality of the rock, the analysis on the Polycrystalline Diamond Compacts (PDC) bit and the rotary percussive drilling is carried out. 在管棚支护所钻岩石的力学性质基础上,对管棚支护钻孔所采用PDC钻头和回转冲击的钻进方式进行了比较分析。
- By loading a thin-film resistor in the spiral resonator, an adjustable quality factor of the resonator is achieved. 通过在螺旋形谐振器中引入电阻加载,使得该电路能够进行品质因数调节。
- The spherical aberration results in an increase of the beam quality factor of flat-topped beams. 球差使平顶光束通过透镜后的光束质量因子增大;
- Like the ZEISS lenses for motion picture, ZF lenses feature unusually high mechanical quality, fixed focal length, very precise manual focussing, reliability, and exceptional durability. 如同电影用的ZEISS镜头,ZF镜头的特色就是非常高的机械品质,固定焦长,非常准确的对焦系统以及高度可靠性,并且非常耐久。
- Beam propagation factor(BPF) was introduced as the beam quality factor for the combined beam. 引入光束传输因子(BPF)作为合成光束的光束质量评价因子,计算了单元光束质量、大气传输、跟踪抖动、相位控制等因素对合成光束质量的影响。
- This algorithm can globally and efficiently solve the tradeoffs between the inductor competing objectives,such as the quality factor and the area. 在给定的约束条件下;几何规划算法可以全局性地高效解决电感器各竞争目标(如品质因数与所占面积)之间的优化折中问题.