- The bank teller used a mechanical counter to count the pennies. 银行出纳员使用机械计数器点硬币。
- Oil Field Mechanical Counter Weights 石油机械配重块
- There was an enormous cat crouching on the counter. 柜台上蜷伏着一只硕大的猫。
- He placed the money on the counter. 他把钱放在柜台上。
- Can the goods be refunded at your counter? 你们柜台的商品可以退吗?
- Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude? 这台设备测定了其机械适应性了吗?
- We need a mechanical digger to level the ground. 我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
- We should not act counter to our promise. 我们不应违背自己的诺言。
- He tipped the money in his pocket onto the counter. 他把口袋里的钱倾倒在柜台上。
- She plumped down her shopping bag on the counter. 她将购物袋蓦地往柜台上一放。
- He acted counter to old conventions. 他的行为与旧习俗背道而驰。
- I bought the watch at the jewelry counter. 这只表是我在珠宝柜买的。
- To establish and improve an effective mechanism countering against corruption is the most common choice among the most countries. 摘要确立并完善反腐败机制是目前各国治理腐败的主要措施。
- He hit me but I did not counter. 他打了我,但我没有还手。
- The move water have mechanical energy. 流动的水拥有机械能。
- He planked down the money on the counter and asked for more beer. 他用力将钱扔在柜台上叫再拿些啤酒来。
- Shoppers got into a scrum round the bargain counter. 顾客在廉价品柜台周围你争我夺。
- Blinking is a mechanical action of the eyelids. 眨眼是眼睑的无意识动作。
- He planked the money down on the counter and asked for more beer. 他把钱撂在柜台上,叫再给他些啤酒。
- A mechanical model of the solar system. 太阳系仪太阳系的机械模型