- This is an instrument for measuring speed. 这是一种测量速度用的仪器。
- The measuring speed was enhanced through predicting the edge position by hardware circuit. 同时,测量系统采用了三个单片机并行通信联合工作和预先利用硬件电路确定阴影边沿位置的方法,提高了测量速度。
- Extruded aluminum ramp measures speed of putting green. 由铝合金制造而成,用于测试果岭速度。
- Magnetism stress measurement method has the merits of high measuring speed, deep detecting depth (up to several millimeters), no radiation and being easy to take, etc. 摘要磁性应力测量具有测量速度高,探测深度大(可达数毫米),无辐射危险,携带方便等优点。
- Within the limits of experimental error, this was equal to the measured speed of propagation of light. 在实验误差范围内,这数值等于光的传播速度的测量值。
- Way of frequency list work, make an user can evasive the dot of a few foregone and useless frequency during measure, or use clever ground to rise measure speed. 频率列表工作体例,利用户能回避在测量时代的一些已知无用频率点,或用来拙劣地进步测量速度。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
- The Way of Measuring Speed of Rotation by use of 8253 Timer 采用8253定时器实现转速测量的方法
- This system possesses many specialties including display aim taking on TV set, loading forms quickly, visual display, measurment speed in a high precision, decoding quickly, all-weather work etc. 系统具有电视观瞄、快速装表、直观显示、测速精度高、解算速度快、全天候等特点。
- "Effective casting speed" is adopted and measured speed is filtered in order to avoid appearing "pinnacle" during cooling water saltation, which can reduce disadvantages to billets quality. 并通过引入“有效拉速”的处理方法对实测拉速值进行滤波处理,很大程度上避免了由于生产条件变化而造成的铸坯表面温度的“尖峰”波动,减少了对铸坯质量的不利影响。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。
- To improve the measure precision and measure speed, VC programming was used to analyse the errors measured so that a set of high-efficiency methods to dispose error measure could he found out. 为了提高误差判别的准确度和判别速度,使用VC编程对检测数据进行误差分析,以摸索一套高效的处理测量误差的方法。
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。
- The vessel-mounted ADCP can measure speed and direction of water currents form a moving vessel instead of the measure method of the traditional instruments that must do form the stopping vessel. 声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)是近20年来国际上迅速发展起来的新型海流剖面仪,是一种有着广泛应用前景的先进水文遥测仪器。
- The key component of the system is a digital intermediate frequency receiver employing DSP and FPGA to obtain amplitude and phase data in real-time, which improves measurement speed and flexibility. 该系统的关键部件是一个数字中频接收机,利用DSP和FPGA实时获取幅度和相位数据,从而提高了测量速度和灵活性。
- Not measuring up to standards or expectations. 不合格的与标准或期望不符合的
- He drove the car at full speed through the town. 他驾驶汽车全速穿过那座城镇。
- An apparatus for measuring gases. 气体贮存计量器用来测量气体的一种工具
- The car rushed at the bridge at astonishing speed. 汽车以惊人的速度向桥冲过去。
- The motorcycles were spinning along at full speed. 摩托车正全速疾驰。