- A supereritical fluid extraction process is being investigated for this purpose, A flow apparatus is described for measuring phase equilibrium data for mixtures of solvent and pitch at temperatures up to 675K and pressures to 350 bar. 为此目的,我们正在研究超临界流体萃取工艺。 本文所描述的测定溶剂和沥青混合物的相平衡数据的流体装置,能在沥青和溶剂混合后,加热直到675K和350巴的压力条件下测得相平衡数据。
- A technique for measuring phase field produced displacement under impact loading using digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) with combining the digital subtraction and add mode is presented. 在撞击载荷下的数字散斑干涉法(DSPI)中,本文联合应用加法和减法两种模式提出了位相测试技术。
- When dete rmine whether the three phases are in balance, directly measuring phase residual voltages to ground is proved to be inaccurate. 通过测量各相对地的残压来判定发电机三相是否对称的方法是不准确的。
- Based on the magnetic grid torque transducer and a new computer aided method to measure phase difference, a new measuring system for dynamic torque is developed. 采用磁栅转矩传感器和一种新的微机辅助相位差检测方法,研制了一套新型动态转矩测量系统。
- How to measure phase difference quickly is a main research topic on scientific research in production. 如何快速准确地测量出相位差也是生产科研中重要的研究课题。
- The measured phase noise is-117dBc/Hz at 4MHz off the center frequency of 4.189GHz. 其在4.;189GHz频点上4MHz频偏处所测得的相位噪声为-117dBc/Hz
- The measured phase noise of the CMU is -90.9 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset, and the root-mean-squared jitter is 10 ps. 时钟倍频单元输出的2.;5 GHz时钟相位噪声在10kHz频偏处为-90
- digital method for measuring phase 数字测相法
- At the end of its measurement phase, this SourceMeter instrument sends an output trigger over line #2 to the switching mainframe. (An “after measure” trigger in the SDM cycle. 在其测量阶段结束时,该源表通过%232线向开关主机发送一个输出触发(SDM周期的“测量后”触发)。
- The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段。
- (3) cross-correlation method of measuring phase velocities. (3)测定相速度的互相关法。
- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. 那两组交通灯不同步。
- Not measuring up to standards or expectations. 不合格的与标准或期望不符合的
- An apparatus for measuring gases. 气体贮存计量器用来测量气体的一种工具
- They have decided to phase in the new techniques. 他们已决定逐步引入新技术。
- The windshield wipers are out of phase now. 挡水玻璃刮水器现在动作不协调。
- Slant automatically buy compensation: Electric length compensation is equal to electric length or defer time is added measure phasic mix group of defer time. 主动偏置抵偿:电长度抵偿等于电长度或延迟时候加上测量相位和群延迟 时候。
- A Novel Method of Measuring Phase Deviation Signal for Coriolis Mass Flow Meter 一种新颖的科氏质量流量计相位差信号的检测方法
- A phase or an aspect of a logically developing process. 契机一个按逻辑发展过程的阶段或方面
- A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring. 单位一种单位,如计数、测试或测量中所用的单位