- Measurement of pressure is one of the most frequently performed operations in the entire field on instrumentation. 在有关测量方法的整个领域中压力测量是最常见的一种。
- It is used in measurement of pressure tronsients, such as in shock tubes, wind tunnels, and seismograph equipment. 它广泛用于瞬态压力测量,如冲击管、风洞以及地震仪器设备中。
- It is used in measurement of pressure transients, such as in shock tubes, wind tunnels, and seismograph equipment. 它广泛用于瞬态压力测量,如冲击管、风洞以及地震仪器设备中。
- Questions about the measurement of pressure distribution on the wing by using thin pressure belts and the effect of slip flow on pressure distribution are discussed. 对用测压带法进行机翼压力分布测量及滑流对压力分布的影响等问题进行了讨论。
- Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盘未记录压力下降。
- Furthermore, the first criterion is modified according to the on line measurement of pressure pulsation in a trickle bed reactor, the resultant criterion is satisfact... 据此分别提出了两个相应的判别流区过渡的理论准则,并结合压力脉动在线测量实验对判别准则作了校正。得到的校正曲线与文献值一致。
- It took a bit of pressure to make the lid close. 要稍按一下才能把盖子盖紧。
- As cracking pressure is one of the basic mechanical proper is of presrs- sed co crete water pipe, it is necessary to the formula for calculation of cracking pressure which is a measurement of working capability of pressure water pip. “开裂压力”是预应力混凝土输水管的一项基本力学强度指标,为此,探讨一下衡量压力水管工作能力的“开裂压力”计算公式,是十分必要的。
- Scientific measurement of the head. 头测量学,头测量学,测颅学头颅的科学测量
- Measurement of the depth of large bodies of water. 海洋测深学,海洋测深术测量大水域的深度
- To salve some problems such as large error and low accuracy in measurement of pressure, flow rate, velocity, the paper presents a computer aided test method (Hydraulic CAT) to improve the hydraulic experiment QCS003. 本文针对 QCS003 液压实验台在测量液压系统压力、流量、速度时存在的误差较大、灵敏度较低等缺点,提出构建该液压实验台计算机辅助测试(CAT)系统的改进方案。
- The scientific measurement of time. 计时学时间的科学测量
- The measure of pressure at the lower point expressed in terms of this difference. 压差用落差表示的在较低点所测量出的压力
- To salve some problems such as large error and low accuracy in measurement of pressure, flow rate, velocity, this paper presents a computer aided test method (Hydraulic CAT) to improve the hydraulic experiment QCS003. 本文针对QCS003液压实验台在测量液压系统压力、流量、速度时存在的误差较大、灵敏度较低等缺点,提出构建该液压实验台计算机辅助测试(CAT)系统的改进方案。 通过提取和处理液压系统中压力、流量、速度等随时间动态变化的物理量,实现压力及流量动态、静态参数较高精度、较高灵敏度测取以及液压缸活塞杆速度测量。
- Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed. 她丈夫殷切地希望她能成功,给了她很大的压力。
- He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV. 他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。
- Measurement of sound pressure level for sound sign. 海船声号器具的声压级测量。
- Vapor Pressure Measurement of Supercooled Water. 超冷水水气压观测。
- His resignation is a measure of how angry he is. 从他辞职一事可见其气愤的程度。
- The double and single pressure measuring instruments in the standard systems were developed specially for the measurement of pressure in vehicles with a compressed air brake. 用于标准系统双值和单值压力测量仪器,是为了满足带有压缩空气式制动器车辆压力测量,而专门研发的。