- Metaphor has obvious semanteme characteristic in word meaning extension it's useful very important. 隐喻在词义延伸中具有很强的语义特征,发挥的作用很大。
- Having long been used as a rhetoric device, synesthesia has effected meaning extension and generated fixed expressions. 通感修辞手法的长期运用,造成词义固化,形成“通感式词义引申”。
- This paper mainly discussed the phenomenon from the angle of the motivations of meaning extension and its three main cognitive models, including the models of image schemas, metaphor and metonymy. 从词汇意义扩展的理据性,以及词义扩展的主要认知模式-意象图式模式、隐喻模式和转喻模式中不难发现这个现象。
- You mistook my meaning entirely. 你完全误解了我的意思。
- That could mean extensively using pornography, having affairs, sleeping with prostitutes, and masturbating excessively, to the point where such behaviors get out of control. 它表示你不停地看色情图片,搞婚外情,嫖妓,或者过度自慰,以致到了失控的程度。
- We talked for hours about the meaning of life. 我们谈人生的意义谈了几个小时。
- You can't ascribe the same meaning to both words. 不要认为这两个词的意思是相同的。
- He is trying his best to understand his meaning. 他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。
- These words are empty of meaning. 这些话毫无意义。
- Contextual clues can help one to find the meaning. 上下文所提供的线索有助于了解其意义。
- This battle is of historic meaning. 这一战具有历史意义。
- Do you mean say we are met for a thunder storm? 你肯定我们会遇到一场雷雨?
- I feel mean for not doing more for my son. 我对没为我儿子多做点事而感到惭愧。
- Defeat in this election would mean he was done for. 这场选举的失败意味着他政治生涯的结束。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- I want to bring out the meaning of the poem. 我想讲一下这首诗的意义。
- There are several layers of meaning. 有几层不同的含意。
- A different wording might make the meaning clearer. 换一种说法意思可能清楚些。
- Don't play on words, I can't catch the meaning. 你不要玩文字游戏,我不懂。
- She glanced at him with meaning. 她有意地瞧了他一眼。