- meandering channel flow 弯道水流
- Continental lower crustal flow:channel flow or laminar flow? 大陆下地壳流动:渠流还是层流?
- Henderson, F. M. 1966. Open channel flow, Macmillan, New York, NY. 蔡长泰;渠道水力学讲义;成大水利系.
- Seismic exploration for meander channel point bar deposits and 3 D seismic exploration for river sandstone bodies are mainly presented. 重点介绍了曲流河内侧沙洲地震勘探,以及三维地震勘探技术在寻找河道砂岩体方面的应用。
- In the northern part of Daqing Oilfield,fluvial channel sandbodies such as sandy braided channel,meander channel,high sinuosity channel and low sinuosity channel are developed. 大庆油田北部发育砂质辫状河道、曲流河道、高弯度分流河道和低弯度分流河道等砂体类型。
- The Cutthroat Flume with Flat Bottom Can be Used in the Channel Flow Measurement with or without Sediment. 平底矩形无喉道量水槽是在巴歇尔量水槽基础上加以改进,研制成的新型量水槽,结构简单、工方便、算简捷,适用于清水和引黄多泥沙渠道量水。
- In the bed there is stirrer. It avoid agglomeration of damp material and forming channel flow during drying. 床内设置搅拌,避免了潮湿物料的团聚及干燥过程中形成沟流。
- Modeling of oxidation ditches using an open channel flow 1-D advection dispersion equation and ASMI process description. 氧化沟工艺处理低浓度城市污水的研究。
- Open channel flow is a sort of generalize for water flow phenomenon, which water stream with free surface be leashed by solid boundary with finity scale. 明渠水流是对具有自由表面的水流在有限尺度的固体边界约束下流动现象的一种概化。
- The first represents the drainage in the soil, the second represents the overland flow on saturated or impervious soils and the third represents the channel flow. 第一个方程代表土壤中的排水,第二个代表在饱和土壤或不透水土壤层上的陆面径流,第三个代表河道径流。
- Results showed that before the moisture content of waste reached its effective storage,the leachate was produced due to channel flow of recirculated leachate. 渗滤液回灌频率越高、回灌量越大、回灌速率越慢、垃圾体温度越低、垃圾压实密度越高,则填埋垃圾的有效贮水率越大、含水率越高。
- Bouvard, M., and Petkovic, S., Vertical dispersion of spherical heavy particles in turbulent open channel flow, J. Hydr. Res., Vol. 23, No.1, 1985, 5-19. 王光谦.;固液两相流与颗粒流的动理论和试验研究
- Thus, alluvial channel flows are simultaneously sculptor and sculpture. 这样,冲积河槽水流既是塑造者,同时又是被塑造者。
- forming condition of meandering channels 蜿蜒成因
- By using the method of characteristics, a shock fitting schemes for computation of gas dynamics is proposed and used to simulate the 1-D unsteady open channel flow of sudden dam break. 基于特征线上的相容方程和激波点处的间断条件,构造了一维溃坝涌波的一种拟合计算的显格式,并进行了一维矩形断面水坝瞬间全溃洪水波演进的数值模拟。
- Streams tend to meander through level land. 河流流经平地时有蜿蜒曲折的倾向
- And then studied the area channel flowed along and destructiveness to the coal seam, provide a reference for the mining of coal seam 8 in middle to deep part of the minefield. 并对古河流的流经区域和煤层的破坏程度作了研究,为井田中深部八煤层的开采提供了参考依据。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- He get seasick every time he crosse the channel. 他每次渡英吉利海峡时都晕船。
- Ferryboats ply across the English Channel. 渡船定期往返于英吉利海峡。