- Hemorrhage from the maxillary artery can be a serious problem in maxillo-facial injuries. 摘要内颔动脉出血是颅颜外伤病患严重的问题。
- Arteriovenous shunt was found between superior ophthalmic vein and infraorbital branch of internal maxillary artery. 在上眼静脉与内上颚动脉的眼窝下分支之间有不正常的瘘管。
- Methods Anatomise exemplar of adult maxillary artery, observe the path and measure the data of maxillary artery. 方法对固定的成人上颌动脉标本进行外科解剖。观测上颌动脉走行及各分支的数据。
- Angiographic evaluation showed a pseudoaneurysm of the internal maxillary artery (IMA). 我们成功的使用选择性经动脉液态黏著剂栓塞动脉瘤出血处。
- The appearances of internal maxillary artery and mandibular nerve in different sections and sequences were compared. 比较不同断面、序列对上颌动脉及下颌神经的显示情况。
- Results: The length and diameter of the pterygopalatine part of internal maxillary artery was 14. 目的:为血管造影下上颌动脉翼腭部栓塞手术及鼻内窥镜翼腭窝区域手术提供解剖学资料。
- Methods 8 cases of the buccal defect had been repaired with platysma musculocutaneous flap vascularized by external maxillary artery. 方法采用以颌外动脉作为供血的颈阔肌肌皮瓣修复颊癌术后颊部缺损8例。
- For lesions involving the internal maxillary artery or other deep branches, massive or intermittent oronasal hemorrhage may be encountered. 对于位在内颔动脉或其他深部分枝的病灶,其临床表现为大量或间歇式的口鼻出血。
- It usually gives off abnormal communicating branches, which should be evaluated before embolismic operation of maxillary artery. 结论:眼动脉起源存在变异及异常交通支,在行上颌动脉栓塞前要评估是否存在这些变异。
- Results:Blood flow of mandibular area were markedly reduced when only external maxillary artery was included in the blood supply pedicle. 结果:与以颌外动脉及颌内动脉分支下齿槽动脉共同形成供血蒂相比,仅以颌外动脉供血时,下颌区血流明显减少。
- Objective To explore the path and embranchment of maxillary artery and to provide the morphological notes for clinical application and teaching. 摘要目的探测上颌动脉的行程及分支的有关数量为临床应用及教学提供形态学资料。
- The ration of in ternal maxillary artery through the lateral pterygoid muscle superficity and dee ps to fossa infratemporal was 90% and 10%,respectively. 颌内动脉走行于翼外肌浅、深层率分别位 90%25和 10%25。
- The source of blood supply of the buccal fat pad was manifold, The main vascular pedicles were the buccalartery of the maxillary artery and the buccal branch of the facial artery. 颊脂体血供为多源性,主要血管蒂为上颌动脉的颊动脉和面动脉的颊支。
- The literature related to the control of such hemorrhage is reviewed and a case is presented where a severe intraoperative hemorrhage from the maxillary artery was controlled by ligation of the external carotid artery. 本文回顾文献上有关内颔动脉出血的控制及一个经由外颈动脉结扎来控制手术中内颔动脉出血的个案。
- Their direction was vertical each other. (2) The maxillary artery bent in the pterygopalatine fossa with its branches being in the plane parallelling the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus. (2)上颌动脉在翼腭窝内盘曲走行,其分支位于与上颌窦后壁平行的平面内;
- The paper summarized the experience of nursing 5 cases of uncontrolled epistaxis in the treatment of maxillary arterial li-gation. 总结5例上颌动脉结扎治疗顽固性鼻出血患者的护理体会。
- Ligation of internal maxillary artery 内上颔动脉结扎
- Applied anatomy for third portion of the internal maxillary artery 上颌动脉翼腭部的应用解剖
- Maxillary Artery Embolic Treatment of Refractory Nosebleed 上颌动脉栓塞治疗难治性鼻出血
- The angiography showed that the main branch of internal maxillaries artery and facial artery in 32 cases became larger, crooked and had blood dots. 血管造影表现:32例颌内动脉、面动脉主干增粗、迂曲,出血灶明确。