- In the course of her life, a woman may produce ca. 4000 mature eggs. 在女性一生中,她可以产生约4000个成熟的卵子。
- To bypass this impediment an almost mature egg cell is removed surgically. 为了克服这一障碍,通过手术,取出一个差不多成熟的卵细胞。
- RT PCR analysis showed that the maternal mRNAs of the gibel carp M3 CK gene was detected in mature eggs and early stage embryos. RT PCR表明 ,银鲫M3 CK基因在成熟卵母细胞和胚胎发育早期可检测到少量的转录产物 ,在胚胎发育期间从肌肉效应期开始转录 ,并一直持续表达。
- Conentional in itro fertilization (IF) inoles using high doses of expensie hormone drugs to stimulate the oaries to produce multiple mature eggs. 传统的试管内受精程序包括:应用大量昂贵的荷尔蒙药物来刺激卵巢排出大量的成熟卵子。
- The secondary oocyte now divides again into two new cells of unequal size: a relatively large ootid (mature egg cell) and a minute second polar body. 此时,次级卵母细胞又分裂成两个大小不对等的新细胞:一个相对很大的卵子(成熟卵细胞)和一个微小的次级极体。
- Women undergoing in itro fertilization (IF) are typically gien female hormone supplements to boost the number of mature eggs they produce, allowing more embryos to be created. 对于那些体外受精的女性,最惯常的做法就是给她们补充雌激素以提高她们产生成熟卵细胞的数目,这样就可以多产生几个胚胎。
- Du , N. S. , W. Lai , C. R. Nan and H. W. Jiang 1995 The morphology and ultrastructure of the mature egg of Eriochei r si nensis. Acta Zool . [堵南山;赖伟;南春容;姜焕伟1995中华绒螯蟹成熟卵形态和超微结构的研究.;动物学报41(3):
- The results are as follows: the few number of polysomes and mitochondria with few cristae in mature egg cell show that it's a relatively inactive cell. 结果如下:成熟卵细胞中多聚核糖体数量不多,线粒体仅有少量内嵴,细胞代谢相对不活跃;
- Under scanning microscope, a kind of strange structure with radiative grooves and ridges was observed in the micropylar region of the mature egg of Protosalanx hyalocaranius. 扫描电镜下,大银鱼成熟卵卵膜孔区域呈现奇异的放射沟脊状结构。
- Although mature eggs and sperm normally have only half the genetic material of a typical body cell, to prevent an embryo from having a double set of genes following conception, eggs halve their genetic complement relatively late in their maturation cycle. 在正常的状况下,为了避免受精后胚胎含有双份基因,成熟的卵子和精子各携带体细胞一半的遗传物质,但是卵子只有在快要成熟的时候才会减半其遗传物质。
- The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun. 鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。
- I'll rustle up some eggs and bacon for you. 我给你弄些鸡蛋和腌猪肉。
- Now, stir the beaten eggs in the milk. 现在把打好的鸡蛋搅拌进牛奶。
- Place the eggs gently in the basket. 把鸡蛋轻轻地放在篮子里。
- The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵。
- We were overcharged for the eggs. 我们的鸡蛋买贵了。
- Sitting still is foreign to a boy's mature. 静静坐着不合男孩的本性。
- This hen lays beautiful brown eggs. 这只母鸡下很漂亮的棕色蛋。
- We were rationed to two eggs a week. 每周配给我们两个鸡蛋。
- This is the most mature of his plays. 这是他最成熟的一部剧作。