- Compensation of Diffraction Effect in SAW Narrow Band Filters. 窄带SAW滤波器衍射效应补偿短句来源嗯,带了。
- We attempt to investigate the diffraction effect in IC specimens by the relative uniformity of the tomogram intensity. 本文用灰度图像相对密度均方差的方法表征了集成电路(IC)厚样品中金属导线的衍射效应。
- Tsai C S, LIU Gong-qiang.Theory of magnetostatic wave propagation and guided optical wave diffraction in magnetic field [J].Journal of Optics, 1998, 19(1):63-71. [6]Tsai C S;刘公强.;不均匀磁场中静磁波传播和导波光衍射理论[J]
- To resolve this problem, a free space transmission system for optical signals is developed on base of diffraction effect of acoustooptic crystal. 由于电信号传输系统保密性和抗干扰能力差,为此,利用声光晶体的衍射效应研制了一种光信号自由空间传输系统。
- The regular scalar ABCD formula can not describe this astigmatic matter wave, neither deal with its evolution problems. 在物质波领域,由于实验装置的各种不对称 设置,相干物质波会表现出非均匀、各向异性的像散特性。
- HONG Guang-wen.Analytical solution of wave diffraction on wedge and corner breakwaters with incomplete reflecting boundry[J].ACTA Oceanological Sinica, 1990,12 (4): 487 - 504. [7]洪广文.;不完全反射边界楔形堤和隅角堤波浪绕射理论解析解[J]
- The influence pattern of deep water channels upon wave propagation is studied by REF/DIF model,which combined refraction and diffraction effects together. 本研究是把折射和绕射的相关影响结合起来考虑的复合折射-绕射模型REF/DIF模型应用于深水航道对波浪传播的影响规律的研究。
- The tensor ABCD law describes the evolution of the first order correlation function of the partially coherent matter wave. 该定律针对的是广泛存在于 实验的,具有部分相干性的冷原子物质波体系。
- The matter wave explanation of single slit diffraction 单缝衍射的物质波解释
- We can derive from the conclusion of the special relativity and the de Broglie relation the formula for the relation between the speed of matter wave and the related partical. 根据狭义相对论的结论和德布罗意公式;推出了物质波的波速和与该物质波相缔合的粒子速度之间的关系式.
- The laser caused the matter wave to coalesce (dump atoms) inside the second BEC, forcing the surrounding atoms to radiate like antennas and reproduce the original pulse. 激光在第二块BEC凝聚物内引发了物质波的聚结(即原子转储),这迫使周围的原子像天线般地发射,并且再生出初始脉冲。
- The dispersion caused from the chromatic aberrations of lens is smaller than that from diffraction effects of it. 与衍射效应产生的色散相比,透镜本身的折射率色散很小。
- The second part of the thesis studies the four-wave mixing of BEC matter waves. 论文的第二部分研究BEC物质波的四波混频。
- radio wave diffraction propagation over obstacles 障碍物电波绕射传播
- Only discrete wavelengths of matter waves may resonate within the spherical volume of a hydrogen atom. 物质波在一个氢原子的球形体积内也只有一定的分立波才能发生共振。
- Wave diffraction in current on a shoal 局部浅滩上波流的共同绕射
- This unprecedented accessibility of matter waves has created a veritable BEC boom. 这种获得物质波的办法可是前所未有的便利,因而引起了一股BEC热潮。
- Study of shock wave diffraction over a crack 激波在狭缝中绕射过程研究
- Because the resulting giant matter wave contains so many atoms, it is easy to observe: once a BEC is there, it takes hardly more than a video camera to see that matter has a wavy nature! 由于这个巨大的物质波包含许多原子,所以很容易观测:一旦有了BEC,几乎只要一台摄影机就能看到物质的波动性!