- There was no obvious difference between base fertilizer and after manuring. 基肥与追肥之间肥效无显著差异.
- It can be as base fertilizer,after fertilizer and foliar fertilizer. 可以用做底肥,也可以用做追肥及叶面肥。
- We constructed a matrix based on distribution data for Chinese Tetrigidae insects and an area cladogram using northeastern China area as an outgroup. 根据蚱科昆虫的分布, 构建特有性简约性分析所需的矩阵, 以东北区作为外群, 用最大简约法通过穷尽式搜索得到分布区分支图。
- This paper studies a auto-adapting recombine method for PD radar correlation filter matrix based on FFTU( FFT unit) or MFFTUM ( muhi-FFT unit module). 文中研究一种基于FFTU(FFT单元)或MFFTUM(多FFT单元模块)的PD雷达相关滤波矩阵接收机自适应结构重组方法。
- Extended-order cross-correlation matrix based MUSIC method and its performance in non-Gaussian and color noise are discussed. 讨论了一种基于正弦信号扩阶互相关矩阵的MUSIC算法及其在非高斯有色噪声下的性能。
- Perform the inter-column permutation for the matrix based on the pattern that is shown in table 7, where P2(j) is the original column position of the j-th permuted column. 二次交织的时候的列置换规则是怎么产生的呢?请问大牛,我看规范不太明白。
- ASU mainly contributed to the increase in utilization ratio in seeds. The distribution ratio of nitrogen from base fertilizer in rape plant organs had the following order; seeds>leaves>stems(or pod shells)>roots. ASU主要提高了籽粒对肥料氮的利用率,基肥氮在油菜各器官中的分配顺序是:籽粒>叶>荚壳(或茎)>根。
- This paper have found Informationflow (IF) Matrix based on the enterprise CSF and used the Closed Loop to confirm the output information and direct of the departement. 摘要确定信息集成的方向是系统集成的前提,由于企业内部存在大量的信息,必须判断现有信息的完善程度以及缺少的信息,才能进行有效地集成。
- Combining base ferti lizer with additional manuring can increase wheat yield,additional manuring duri n g elongation stage can be increased by 14.3% more than single base fertilizer. 越冬追肥增产9.;0%25。产量随施肥量的增加而增加,在不同施氮和钾水平中,产量均随施磷量的增加而增加。
- On the base of studying air attack target character recognition and cluster model, the paper build a critical character matrix based recognition and cluster improved model. 摘要在研究空袭目标类型识别聚类的基本模型基础上,建立了基于关键特征矩阵的识别聚类改进模型。
- multi-element amino-acid based fertilizer 植物氨基酸多元素系列肥料
- Based on the general uncalibrated visual servoing algorithm, this paper presents a new visual servoing control scheme which estimates pseudo-inverse of image Jacobian matrix based on recursive least square algorithm. 摘要在一般无标定视觉伺服算法的基础上,提出了一种基于递推最小二乘法估计图像雅可比矩阵伪逆的无标定视觉伺服算法。
- Lian Huaiqing,Shah Yuanda,Wu Jie.Topological extension and augmented matrix based method for solution of complicated distribution load fow[J].Power System Technology,2001,25(7):36-40(in Chinese). [4]廖怀庆;单渊达;吴杰.;基于拓扑扩展和矩阵增广的复杂配电网络三相不对称系统快速潮流算法[J]
- The digital image can be seen as a matrix,based on the characteristics of the LU Factorization,this paper presents a novel robust watermarking algorithm in wavelet domain of digital image. 而数字图像也可以看作矩阵,根据图像的这一特点结合小波变换提出一种鲁棒性较好的水印算法。
- Bottom application of base fertilizer 基肥底施
- The paper extends realized volatility based on high-frequency data to realized covariance matrix based on multivariate high-frequency data, to describe volatility and correlation of multivariate. 把基于一维高频数据的“已实现”波动率扩展到多维高频数据情形,给出“已实现”协方差阵,并给出了协方差阵的极限性质,用以刻画多维金融变量的波动率和相关性。
- N ratio of base fertilizer and top dressing 氮肥基肥和追肥比例
- Proportion of N application in base fertilizer 基肥施氮比例
- Their rate of utilization increased to 63.83% and 59.10% respectively when the base fertilizers were mixed with 3% ASU. 在添加ASU后;利用率分别为63.;83%25和59
- The novel LDA method defines its between-class and within-class scatter matrices based on these representative samples. 该新的LDA方法基于定义在这些典型样本上的类间散布矩阵与类内散布矩阵实现特征提取。