- Detecting Small Molecules of Aerosol Particles Using Matrix Suppression Effect 利用基质抑制效应检测小质量的气溶胶粒子
- The suppression of the revolt took a mere two days. 镇压叛乱只用了两天时间。
- A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer. 有时用来指热敏点阵打印机的触针的一个术语。
- Something that serves to suppress, check, or eliminate. 抑制物用来压制、控制或消除的事物
- Even the grave old gentleman could not suppress a laugh. 连那位严肃的老绅士都禁不住笑了。
- The number of rows or columns in a determinant or matrix. 行列数行列式或矩阵中行或列的数目
- matrix suppression 基体抑制
- A common person would not suppress his real name. 一个平常人是不会隐瞒他的真实姓名的。
- A matrix used in constructing a symbol or character image on a display screen. 用来在显示屏幕上构造出一个符号或字符图象的一种点阵。
- No drug could suppress his cough. 吃什么药也不能止住他的咳嗽。
- He bore a part in the suppression of opium-smoking. 他参与禁烟(禁抽鸦片的)运动。
- Hence I advise them not to go in for "suppression". 因此,我劝他们还是不“剿”为妙。
- Jane could not suppress her laughter. 珍妮忍不住笑了起来。
- The uniform matrix of hyaline cartilage. 透明蛋白透明软骨的母体组织
- He tried to suppress his feelings. 他尽力抑制住自己的感情。
- They are governed by a policy of suppression. 他们受高压政策统治。
- The basis matrix B is unimodular. 基矩阵b是幺模的。
- She was struggling to suppress her sobs. 她拼命不让自己哭出来。
- The suppression of a bodily discharge or secretion. 对身体排泄或分泌的抑制
- The lumped mass matrix is a diagonal matrix. 集中质量阵是一个对用阵。