- The property of symmetry can also be used to save a part of the computational effort required for matrix inversion or for a solution of equations. 对称的特性也可用来节省矩阵求逆中或求解方程中所需要的一部分计算量。
- Numerical results suggest that the SDT avoids internal resonance efficiently and finishes impedance matrix inversion fast and accurately. 数值方法表明,同传统矩量法相比,空间分解技术的使用,有效避免了内谐振的产生,加速了阻抗矩阵的求逆。
- The algorithm processes very few snapshot data opposed to forming sample covariance matrix and computing matrix inversion. 它无需构造协方差矩阵及进行矩阵求逆,又避免了复杂度较高的广义特征值分解。
- Sampling Matrix Inversion (SMI) beamforming technique has the worse performance in the small snapshot number, high signal-noise- ratio and coherent source. 采样协方差矩阵求逆(SMI)的波束形成方法在少快拍数、高信噪比和相干信源情况下波束形成性能下降。
- A circuit structure with systolic array is introduced in this paper in order to accelerate the speed of matrix inversion,which is quite prone to implement. 为加速矩阵求逆,研究构造出一种非常易于实现的基于心动阵列的矩阵求逆的电路结构。
- In this paper, Cyclic Matrix Inversion is discussed, and two methods of cyclic Matrix Inversion (linear, equations method, adjoint matrix method) are proposed. 摘要探讨循环矩阵的求逆问题,提出求解循环矩阵的逆矩阵的两种方法,线性方程组法,伴随矩阵法。
- A systolic array for matrix inversion based on LU algorithm is described. Via analyzing the appropriate order of algorithm, some components of algorithm are maximally overlapped. 介绍了对矩阵进行LU分解算法求逆的电路结构设计,设计过程中通过对算法进行分解得到合理的运算顺序,从而发现结构中可以复用的模块。
- When applying the Sampling Matrix Inversion (SMI) algorithm to the side-lobe cancellation scenarios, only part of the sampling data is used for simplicity. 摘要采用采样矩阵逆算法(SMI)对消副瓣干扰,一般抽取部分样本对消整段数据的干扰。
- The computer simulation results verify the validity of two adaptive algorithms applied to circular array. The algorithms are Least Square based on QR decompose (QRD-LS) and Sampling Matrix Inversion based on QR decompose (QRD-SMI). 其次,验证了基于QR分解的最小二乘算法(QRD-LS)和基于QR分解的采样矩阵求逆方法(QRD-SMI)两种自适应算法在均匀圆阵中的有效性。
- This paper presents a subband Direct Matrix Inversion (DMI) algorithm suitable for use within a recently proposed adaptive filter structure employing critically sampled filter banks. 基于最近提出的一个采用临界采样滤波器组的子带自适应结构,该文引入了子带直接矩阵求逆(DMI)算法。
- The linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) algorithm based on the power inversion array and its iterative formula are deduced in the paper, which avoids the complexities of matrix inversion. 摘要详细推导了基于功率倒置阵列的线性约束最小方差(LCMV)算法及其递推公式,避免了矩阵求逆的复杂运算。
- The G-RAKE receiver is capable to mitigate the interference that is introduced by the multipath channel.The main defect of a G-RAKE is that one needs to evaluate a large matrix inversion. 在直序分码多工下链系统中,广义耙状接收机能够非常有效的抵抗由多路径通道所引入的干扰,但广义耙状接收机必须求解一个大维度的反矩阵。
- The improved NMM method, avoiding complicated matrix inverse, is easy to understand and has concise physical meaning. 这一方法避免了原NMM中复杂的求逆运算,思路简单,其物理意义也更明确。
- The Matrix Inversion by Matrix Class Template 矩阵类模板求逆矩阵的算法
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- Problem of Cyclic Matrix Inversion 循环矩阵的逆问题
- This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。
- The Simple Method of Cyclic Matrix Inversion 循环矩阵简易求逆
- Do you see the travel program on italy last night? 昨晚你看有关意大利的旅游节目了吗?
- Starting applications from Program Manager is easy. 在程序管理器下运行应用程序很容易。