- Mathematical knowledge was certain. 数学知识是确定无疑的。
- Mathematical knowledge was certain and offered a secure foothold in a morass. 数学知识是确定无疑的,它给人们在沼泽地上提供了一个稳妥的立足点。
- We must pass traditional mathematical knowledge on to our heirs intact. 我们一定要把传统的数学知识传递给我们的后代。
- Mathematical thought and method is the kernel of mathematical knowledge. 数学思想方法是数学知识的精髓。
- Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil; telling, showing and explaining are the order of the day. 数学知识由老师传授给学生,讲解、演示和分析是通常的做法。
- Quine proposed an empiricist view of mathematical knowledge combined with a form of platonism. 奎因提出的柏拉图主义与形式相结合的数学知识经验主义的观点。He also proposed the much discussed indispensibility argument for plaotnism about mathematics.;他还建议对有关数学plaotnism许多讨论indispensibility争论。
- Properties of the two forms of special matrixes are frequently used and discussed in the study of matrix and related mathematical knowledge. 我们在研究矩阵及学习有关数学知识时,经常要讨论这两种特殊矩阵的性质。
- In the Jin Dynasty mathematicians used both text and image to explicate mathematical knowledge, and cartographers synthesised the principles of painting and drawing. 晋代,数学家已经运用文字和图来阐释数学知识,地图专家总结了绘图的法则。
- The process of mathematical study is to transform mathematical knowledge structure to the structure of mathematical cognition in mind through students' active thought. 数学学习的过程就是把数学知识结构经过学生的积极思维活动,转化为他们头脑里的数学认知结构。
- D'Alembert juvenile when his father was sent to a church school, where he studied a lot of mathematical knowledge for the future of scientific research he laid a solid foundation. 达朗贝尔少年时被父亲送到了一所教会学校,在那里他学习了很多数理知识,为他将来的科学研究打下了坚实的基础。
- Only there is mathematics knowledge ising far insufficient. 只有数学知识是远不足够。
- After entering university, I seize every opportunity to try to grasp as much as possible the mathematical knowledge, contacts with calculus, linear algebra and mathematical methods, such as random. 进入大学以后,我抓住一切机会努力去掌握尽可能多的数学知识,接触了微积分、线性代数以及随机数学方法等。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Using some psychology can stimulate students to study their mathematics knowledge and set right outlook on life. 利用心理学知识激发学生的学习兴趣、掌握牢固的基础知识以及树立正确的人生观。
- Lee, Y.S. & Leu, Y.C.(2007).MATHEMATICS EDUCATORS PERSPECTIVE ON MATHEMATICS KNOWLEDGE OF SETMTP.In Woo, J. 李源顺(2007):学校本位观点培育国小实习辅导教师数学教学知能之研究:以三阶段辅导模式为策略。
- The students are working on a mathematical problem. 学生们正在解一道数学习题。
- H. &Leou, S. (2005).A Kindergarten Teacher's Growth in Mathematic knowledge : A Narrative Study. 后现代思潮中一位中学数学教师专业知能发展之叙说研究。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- logical - mathematical knowledge 逻辑-数学知识
- Mathematics conception; Mathematics consciousness; Mathematics idea and method; Mathematics knowledge; Mathematics ability. 数学观念,数学意识,数学思想方法,数学知识,数学能力