- The old mcs is the basement of mathematical learning, is the key of learning. 学生原有的数学认知结构是数学学习的基础,是影响学习的关键因素。
- Recently, our country has paid moreattention to breeding student unintelligence factor in mathematical learning. 世界各国都把培养学生非智力因素作为数学课程目标之一,我国近年来也开始重视培养学生的非智力因素,而学习动机是非智力因素的重要组成部分。
- The research on modern teaching method shows that the level of reflectively cognitive skill has a direct effect on the result of mathematical learning. 三.;现代教学理论的研究表明元认知水平的高低对数学学习有着直接的影响。
- The process of mathematical learning i s the new knowledge reciprocity old mathematical cognitive structure(mcs), engender new mcs. 数学学习的过程即是新的学习内容与学生原有的数学认知结构相互作用,形成新的数学认知结构的过程。
- Language learning is different from mathematics learning. 学语言不同于数学。
- Mathematics learning is a active course of construction. 数学学习并非是一个被动的接受过程,而是一个主动的建构过程。
- The interest of mathematical learning will effectively help students obtain the aesthetical ability of the beauty mathematics. 学生对数学的学习兴趣,也将更有效地帮助他们获得数学美的审美能力。
- The Psychology of Mathematical Learning 课程名称:数学学习心理学
- Mathematical learning disability 数学学习障碍
- mathematical learning strategies 数学学习策略
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- But in one semester he had with the computer, with zero academic performance, Raymond caught up seven years of mathematics learning. 但自与计算机打交道一学期后,雷蒙德居然由零起步而完成了七年的数学学习任务。
- Students should be the center of their mathematics learning and teachers are organizers, guides and cooperators. 学生是数学学习的主人,教师是数学学习的组织者、引导者与合作者。
- The students are working on a mathematical problem. 学生们正在解一道数学习题。
- However, the teaching methods and environment in Asian schools are considered to be not conductive to effective mathematics learning. 但研究表明,亚洲的数学教学方法和教学环境并不被认为是适合学生的数学学习的。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- So, rumination in mathematics learning is a key link in mathematics learning activities .But now it is a weak one among students. 因此反思性数学学习是数学学习活动的最重要的环节,但它是目前数学学习中最薄弱的一个环节。
- One is time consumption, which refers to making full use of time to take an wholehearted and active part in mathematics learning. 在学生的时间投入方面,指能够充分利用时间,全身心、积极、主动地参与数学学习;
- Einstein was a mathematical genius. 爱因斯坦是数学天才。
- Determined by mathematical calculation. 计算出的通过数学计算来确定的