- I'm fed up with all this argument. 我受够了这种争论。
- I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness. 我受够了他的懒惰和粗心。
- She's fed up with being her husband's stooge. 她再也不愿意当丈夫的附属品了。
- I'm fed up with this boring life. 我受够了这种枯燥的生活。
- Mary said that she was well fed up. 玛丽说她吃得太饱了。
- I'm fed up with waiting for her to telephone. 我等她的电话都等得不耐烦了。
- I am fed up with his complaints. 我听够了他的怨言。
- We are all fed up with his unruliness. 我们对他的任性都厌烦了。
- Mary told me straight out that she was fed up and wanted to leave. 玛丽坦率地告诉我,她厌倦了,想走。
- "I'm fed up on that, " as the baby said pointing to the high chair. "那里我坐腻了"婴孩指着那张高椅子说。
- I am simply fed up with this kind of weather. 我简直对这种天气烦透了。
- material fed up 补料
- I was quite fed up by his clatter. 我对他的喋喋不休感到厌倦。
- This tedious report is made us being fed up. 这个冗长的报告令人厌烦。
- Stop knocking. I'm fed up with it. 别挑挑剔剔的了,我受够了。
- I'm fed up with this kind of life. 我厌烦了这种生活。
- I'm fed up( with) waiting for him. 我等他等得烦死了。
- We are fed up with that same old sermon of his. 我们对他那老一套的说教感到很厌烦。
- I've had enough of his complaints. I'm fed up. 我听够了他的报怨,真让人受不了。
- I am fed up with all this argument. 我受够了这种争论。