- I submit that a material fact has been passed over. 我要说的是一项重大事实已过忽略。
- A material fact is a fact that an insurer should know when deciding whether to insure. 所谓重要事实是指保险人在决定是否承保时应当知道的事实。
- A material fact is one which would influence the acceptance or assessment of the risk. 重大事实系指可能影响风险评估或接受与否之事实。
- A material fact is one, which would influence the acceptance or assessment of the risk. 重要事实系将可能影响风险评估或接受承保与否之事实。
- If an insured attempts to defraud an insurer by misrepresenting a material fact, the insurance contract generally becomes void and unenforceable. 若被保险人企图通过误告重要事实来欺骗保险人,一般情况下保险合同是无效的,不可实施的。
- I understand that if I wilfully furnish any false information or withhold any material fact, my application will be invalidated or I shall be liable to summary dismissal. 本人明白,倘若本人故意虚报资料或隐瞒事实,本人之申请将被撤消或将遭受即时解雇处分。
- I/We declare that the particulars in this document are true and correct and that I/We have not willfully withheld any material fact. 本人/吾等声明本文件资料真确无讹及本人/吾等并没有故意隐?谷魏沃匾?率怠
- I/We understand that non-disclosure or misrepresentation of a material fact may entitle Underwriters to void the insurance. (NB. 我/我们了解不实告知或刻意隐瞒重要事实可能导致保险契约无效。
- A material fact is one a reasonably prudent insurer would have regarded as relevant to their dicision whether to accept the risk to insure. 重要事实是指一个理智谨慎的保险人会认为与其决定是否承保某一风险有关的事实。
- If one ** has been induced and injured by reliance on the other's misrepresentation of a material fact, it may rescind the contract. 如一方因信赖对方对重要事实的误述被利诱被损害,该方可以解约。
- You can be deportedpermanently excluded if you've ever committed fraud or willfully misrepresented a material fact to obtain a visa. 你涉嫌诈骗是得到签证蓄意谎报假材料,你会被驱逐出境并被永远拒绝入境。
- You can be deported and permanently excluded if you've ever committed fraud or willfully misrepresented a material fact to obtain a visa. 如果你涉嫌诈骗或者是为了得到签证蓄意谎报假材料,你会被驱逐出境并被永远拒绝入境。
- The witness held back material facts, ie ones that might influence a decision. 证人隐瞒了重要事实.
- Shall not in an application for a professional position deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency and qualifications. 不准在职位申请过程中故意错误陈述或隐瞒与能力和资格有关的事实,并且。
- I hereby declare that all the particulars given in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I have not wilfully suppressed any material fact. 我在这里声明,依照要求填写的申请内容属实,我没有任何隐瞒和欺骗的行为。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- A real estate assessor is responsible for identifying and appraising all the material facts of the property. 房产评估师负责评估房产的所有情况。
- I declare that the statements and particulars in this proposal are true and no material facts have been misstated or suppressed. 兹代表所有被保险人声明,前述各项陈述均属实,对于重要事实无隐瞒或错误之陈述。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。
- That material surpasses all others in fineness. 那种材料精良超过其他所有材料。