- I found out my grades on the internet at first hand. 我从网络上直接得知我的成绩。
- It is much cheaper to buy goods delivered at first hand. 买第一手货会比较便宜。
- I had experience at first hand of the worst aspects of that banking system. 对那套银行系统中最糟糕的一些问题,我有过亲身体验。
- I learnt it at first hand from my neighbor. 我是从邻居那儿直接得知的。
- We wished to obtain information at first hand. 我们希望能得到第一手情报。
- I found out about it at first hand. 我是首先发现有关情况的。
- I heard about it at first hand from my neighbor. 我是直接从我的邻居那里听来的。
- I learned about the incident at first hand because I know one of the policemen who worked on the case. 我直接获悉了该事件的情况,因为我认识调查这个案子的其中一个警察。
- He said he learnt it at first hand from one of his friends. 他说他是直接从他的一位朋友那听说这事的。
- To his new job he brought knowledge gained at first hand. 他将第一手的知识用于他的新工作。
- material at first hand 第一手材料
- Abdou: yay then i will get to see the J-10 at first hand! 届时我将能直接看到J10!
- He got the information at first hand from the ambassador. 他是直接从大使那里得到这消息的。
- He has been to China to study conditions there at first hand. 他曾多到中国直接研究那里的情况。
- I had seen something of this imbroglio at first hand. 我曾经亲眼看到过这种乱七八糟的东西。
- The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand. 总统亲临该地区视察受损情况。
- It must be a great comfort to you to have all the news at first hand. 直接得到所有的好消息,对你一定是莫大的安慰。
- I got the information at first hand from the person who decided to make it public. 我这消息是从决定将此公开的人那里直接得到的。
- It had seen at first hand in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war the damage that modern air defences can cause. 它的使用1973年阿拉伯-以色列战争中直接造成了现代空中防御能导致的损失。
- I know at first hand the weapons development process from basic research through. 我熟知武器开发的全过程,从初期的研制到实战的部署,以及每个阶段中的具体和专业环境。