- material allocation scheme 国家物资分配制度,物资的统一调拨
- This paper mainly proposes one fair rate allocation scheme in RPR networks. 摘要主要提出了一种基于RPR环网中的带宽公平分配方案。
- And the angular velocity equations are deducted on the condition of different accelerometer allocation scheme. 对应不同的加速度计配置方式,推导出了角速度的解算方程。
- In addition to the bandwidth allocation scheme, we also propose a setup mechanism and a release scheme for the light trail networks. 除了动态频宽分配演算法外,我们也针对光曳带网路提出了建立新光曳带以及释放光曳带的机制。
- There are limited data comparing outcomes of DKT to single kidney ECD transplants, making it unclear where DKT fits in the current allocation scheme. 与单个ECD移植相比,有关DKT疗效的数据很有限,因此导致了DKT适用于何种分配政策也比较模糊。
- Both theoretical analysis and simulations show that the resource allocation scheme can significantly increase the channel capacity of DF-DASTC. 理论分析和系统仿真表明,该文所提出的资源分配策略,比平均分配的资源方案具有更大的信道容量。
- Two simplified link adaptive algorithm based on ZF-DFD, with different power allocation scheme are also studied in the thesis. 分析表明该算法对系统性能有很大提高。
- In this paper, we propose an adaptive subcarrier allocation scheme for multicarrier system, which can detect and eliminate "ill conditioned" subcarries. 本文提出了一种自适应子载波分配算法,此算法能够检测并淘汰传输性能差的子载波。
- Compared with the equal power allocation scheme, the simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves the fairness by 1.7 times with a deceasing 17% throughput. 仿真结果表明,与等功率分配相比,虽然吞吐量下降了17%25,但是公平性提高了1.;7倍。
- In this paper, an adaptive resource allocation scheme of multi-service subcarrier adjusting and borrowing for multi-user OFDM-based systems is proposed. 该文研究了衰落信道条件下的无线资源分配问题。提出了一种适用于多用户OFDM系统中的多业务间子载波借调的自适应资源分配机制。
- In this paper, we discuss an optimized service allocation scheme based on non-linear service curve that can be used in RSVP to decouple bandwidth and time delay requirement. 摘要本文主要针对基于RSVP的保证服务,讨论了如何利用非线性服务曲线进行资源分配,以实现带宽和时延要求的解耦。
- A multi-objective optimization power allocation scheme was proposed for multiple spotbeam satellite communication system supporting both unicast and multicast flows. 针对多波束卫星系统单播组播共存情况下的功率分配问题,提出了一种多目标优化设计方案。
- Abstract A multi-objective optimization power allocation scheme was proposed for multiple spotbeam satellite communication system supporting both unicast and multicast flows. 摘要 针对多波束卫星系统单播组播共存情况下的功率分配问题,提出了一种多目标优化设计方案。
- GOP-based MPEG-4 FGS bit plane R-D model is analysed and a constant quality GOP bandwidth allocation scheme for MPEG-4 FGS streams is presented. Offline and online GOP bandwidth allocation algorithms are brought forward. 分析MPEG-4FGS的位平面R-D模型;提出一种基于场景的常质量GOP带宽分配机制及GOP带宽分配的静态算法和动态算法;以保证同一场景内连续GOP的质量稳定.
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- Considering that the MMSE (Minimum Mean Square Error) multi-user receiver can immunize MAI, the author proposes a joint power and rate allocation scheme for MMSE multi-user receiver in WCDMA systems. 考虑到最小均方误差MMSE(Minimum Mean Square Error)多用户接收机对多址干扰的抑制作用,本文还提出了采用MMSE多用户接收机的功率控制/发射数据速率调节算法。
- Abstract A novel multi-objective optimization power allocation scheme was proposed for multiple spot-beam satellite communication system supporting both unicast and multicast flows. 摘要 针对多波束卫星系统单播组播共存情况下的功率分配问题,提出了一种多目标优化设计方案。
- Based on real-time call dropping probability of destination cell, the algorithm reserved bandwidth for handoff calls combining probability threshold method and utility fairness allocation scheme. 该算法利用目标小区实时切换掉线概率,结合概率门限方法和效用公平分配机制为切换呼叫预留带宽。
- More funds and materials allocated for assisting poor areas should be directed to poor ethnic minority areas. 各项扶贫资金和物资要更多地用于少数民族贫困地区。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。