- Me: I will study in the Economics Master Program, in XX Univ. 我挺疑惑她为什么要重复一遍问题。
- This visa will not be adequate for the whole year master program. 这个签证有效期并不足够让你完成一年的硕士课程。
- Maintain Master program to reduce dealer technician lost. 主导专业技师项目降低经销商技师流失.
- What is the major in your master program? Is it concerned with your work? 你准备修什么专业?这和你现在的工作有什么联系吗?
- The Soviet military dolphin program me la,gan in 1966 when tile flagship of a Soviet fleet mysteriously expleded in Sebastopol barbmr. 当苏联海军一支舰队的旗舰神秘地在塞瓦斯托波尔港爆炸后,苏联的军事海豚计划便于1996年启动了。
- Master Program,Ph.D. Program:1.Two letters of recommendation (sealed and signed). 备注:硕士班;博士班:1.;弥封之推荐信二封
- The same as master program students in Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine in TMU. 依本校临床医学研究所一般生学杂费收取。
- The twice of master program students in School of Nutrition and Health Sciences in TMU. 依本校伤害防治学研究所硕士班学生学杂费二倍收取。
- The same as master program students in Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy student's tuition in TMU. 依本校生药学研究所硕士班学杂费收取。
- Usually, half of the Peace Fellows are enrolled at Duke University's Program in International Development Policy and the other half in a master program of their choice at UNC. 通常,半数的和平奖学生参加杜克大学的国际发展策略计画,另一半的人在北卡罗来纳大学参加他们自己选择的硕士课程。
- Please help me tape the program. 请帮我把节目录下来。
- Master of Human-Computer Interaction in USA, at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), is a master program focuses on designing computing interfaces with the u... 硕士人机交互的在美国罗彻斯特理工(RIT公司)主办的,是一个主项目集中于设计时考虑到用户电脑界面!
- This Master Program in Analytical Support of Business Decisions is preparing of specialists who are welcome in knowledge economics. It takes into account the lea... 这个硕士班在分析支持的商业决策是谁编写的专家,欢迎在知识经济。它考虑到了学习的不同的方向在管理和特别的实用知识技能。
- Red tape has delayed the progress of our program. 官僚作风延迟了我们计划的进展。
- The master tied me to a pillar and whipped me savagely. 主人把我捆在柱子上,用鞭子死命地抽我。
- Operating system Master programs that keep all of computer components working together, including application programs. 操作系统使电脑各部份元件,包括应用程式,一起工作的主程式。
- This master program is for people with a bachelor degree, a graduate diploma or equivalent qualification, who wish to develop expertise in accounting and related financial management aspects of business. 该硕士课程,适合具有学士学位,研究生桥梁课程文凭或相当学历的人,想提高他们在会计和金融管理方面的知识和技能。
- Now tell me if you will keep faith and truth with my master. 现在请告诉我,你们是否愿意以诚信待我主人,与他联姻。
- The article ends with an academic case study, the European Urban Studies master program at Bauhaus University Weimar, demonstrating the conceptual and structural implications of the new planning paradigm for the education of planners. 本文最后将简要地介绍德国魏玛包豪斯大学"欧洲城市研究"硕士专业的教育理念,将其作为新的规划理论应用到规划教育中的具体实例。
- master program(me) tape 主程序带