- masson pine volatiles 马尾松挥发性化学物质
- Research on log rule of timbers from artificial masson pine forest. 马尾松人工林材种出材率表的研究。
- The effect of pretreatment on masson pine SGW pulp peroxide bleaching was studied. 研究了漂前预处理对马尾松磨木浆H2O2 漂白的影响。
- Distribution pattern of nutrient elements in masson pine plantation of Anhui province. 安徽马尾松人工林营养元素分配格局的研究
- The effects of PEG pretreatment on seed vigor of masson pine(Pinus massoniana)were studied. 研究了聚乙二醇(PEG)渗透处理对马尾松种子活力的影响。
- Abstract: The micro-tensile processes of Chinese-fir and Masson pine are studied by synchrotron radiation light (SRL). 文摘:运用同步辐射光源,对杉木和马尾松径、弦向切片在拉应力作用下的破坏过程进行了观察。
- Effect of amino sulfonic acid on hypochlorite bleaching of masson pine kraft pulp was experimented. 试验了氨基磺酸对马尾松硫酸盐化学木浆次氯酸盐漂白的影响。
- The micro-tensile processes of Chinese-fir and Masson pine are studied by synchrotron radiation light (SRL). 运用同步辐射光源,对杉木和马尾松径、弦向切片在拉应力作用下的破坏过程进行了观察。
- Castanea mollissima was one of several damaged insect species in Masson pine (Pinus massonian Lamb) forest. 摘要波纹杂毛虫幼虫是马尾松林又一害虫。
- The one stage and two stages H2O2 bleaching of SGW from Masson Pine were investigated in this paper. 本文对马尾松磨木浆(SGW)进行了单段H2O2漂白和两段H2O2漂白试验,确定了H2O2漂白的最佳工艺参数。
- Genetic variations between populations and individuals of Masson pine in Fujian Province. 福建省马尾松群体和个体遗传变异的研究.
- Guozhen pine pollen growth in the country is a unique selection of masson pine pollen species as raw material health treasures from the scientific formula. 国珍松花粉是选用生长于我国的特有树种马尾松之花粉为主要原料,经科学配方而成的保健珍品。
- Soils under broad-leaved, masson pine, Chinese fir and bamboo forest in the area of Huzhou, Zhejiang were selected for this study. 在我国亚热带采集了常绿阔叶林、马尾松林、杉木林和毛竹林土壤,分析了土壤总有机碳和水溶性有机碳含量。
- Dendrolimus punctatus was one of several damaged pests in Masson pine(Pinus massonian Lamb)forest. The prevention experiment on D. 马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus Walker是马尾松林重要害虫。
- The larger the difference is between the contents of longifolene and trans-caryophyllene, the stronger the resistance of the masson pine is. 而且长叶烯与反式石竹烯的含量差越大,马尾松种源的抗松材线虫病能力越强。
- The fine rapid dissoluble purer masson pine powder with more collective in nutrition and artive substauces can be gained. 得到营养及活性物质更为集中、更纯净的速溶松花精粉。
- Masson pine pollen is a kind of nourishing food resource,in which there are more than 3O% indissoluble component of fibre and lignin . 松花粉是一种营养十分丰富的天然资源,但其中也含有总量达30%25以上的纤维素、木质素等不溶性成分。
- Soil total organic carbon(STOC) under broad-leaved and bamboo forest were considerately higher than (P<0.05)those under masson pine and Chinese fir. 结果表明:土壤总有机碳含量常绿阔叶林和毛竹林显著高于杉木林和马尾松林。
- Pinnacle Park mountains, masson pine, Taiwan Acacia Eucalyptus, a mixed forest of bamboo, spring and autumn festival is very beautiful. 公园山峦叠翠,以马尾松、台湾相思桉、竹构成混交林,春、秋季节十分绚丽。
- Based on the practical investigation, this paper studied economic benefit of two seed orchards of Masson pine by means of systematic methods. 在实际调查的基础上,运用技术经济分析方法,对广西几处马尾松种子园的经济效益进行了初步研究。