- massive main sequence stars 大质量主序星
- Similar to other main sequence stars, hydrogen nuclei will be fused to helium nuclei in the core. 和其他恒星一样,大质量恒星会在主序阶段把氢转化为氦。
- Main sequence stars have stable luminosities and sizes. To be honest, they are quite boring compare to their deaths. 主序星的光度和大小十分稳定,或者你可以说相对于恒星的死亡舞曲,主序阶段相当沈闷。
- It starts with a core of increased density in a molecular cloud and ends with the formation of a T Tauri star, which then develops into a main sequence star. 但是因为总能量的守恒,因此伴随著重力能量的减少,微粒的动能就必须相对的增加。
- The cluster contains no main sequence stars bluer than spectral type F, other than perhaps some of the blue stragglers, since the brighter stars of that age have already left the main sequence. 这个星团除了一些蓝掉队星外,没有光谱分类在F以上的蓝色主序星,因为这些较量的恒星都已经离开了主序带。
- As these luminous and massive stars exhaust their hydrogen fuel, they begin to depart from the upper end of the main sequence. 当这些亮而且质量大的恒星耗尽了氢燃料时,它们就开始从主星序上端脱离。
- In comparison to their size on the main sequence, the stars now become giants. 同它在主星序上的大小相比,恒星现在就成了巨星。
- main sequence stars 烛星
- A main sequence of instructions. 指令的主序列。
- When a massive proto-star approaches the main sequence, its surface temperature is low and it can not ionize the ambient gas. 当一个大质量原星接近主星序时,它的表面温度是低的,因而不能电离周围的气体。
- main sequence star 主序星,矮星
- When a massive proto -star approaches the main sequence, its surface temperature is low and it can not ionize the ambient gas. 当一个大质量原星接近主星序时,它的表面温度是低的,因而不能电离周围的气体。
- initial main sequence star 初始主序星
- Hydrogen to helium conversion provides the prime source of energy for stars on the main sequence. 由氢向氦的转变是主序星能量的主要来源。
- In the H-R diagram below, our Sun is now in the main sequence. 在以下的赫罗图中,太阳正位于主序上。
- After it reaches the main sequence, the star will stay there for millions to billions of years. 一般恒星会在主序星阶段逗留一百万至一百亿年。
- A heavy star at the upper end of the main sequence has a rather different later history. 在主序上端的大恒星具有很不相同的晚年史。
- We discussed some physical properties of NGC 2244 based on our membership probabilities and 2MASS data, such as the radius of the cluster, pre-main sequence stars, and apparent Ks-band luminosity function. 我们利用前面得到的自行及成员判定结果,对NGC 2244 的物理性质进行了一些研究。 比如重新确定星团的半径,寻找星团内的主序前恒星,用2MASS的Ks 波段进行光度函数(KLF)的研究等。
- The wedding got massive media coverage. 婚礼得到大众传播媒介的广泛报道。
- The temple is supported by massive columns. 此庙由粗大的柱子支撑。