- The existence of various defects in the bolt bonding system results in acoustic wave energy attenuation, phase aberration and frequency scattering. 摘要锚固体系中存在不同大小和程度的缺陷时,声波在传播过程中将产生能量衰减、相位突变及频散现象。
- All movement essence, all is the mass energy distribution whole imbalanced, the mass energy transformation whole creates not stably! 一切运动的实质,都是质能分布整体不均衡、质能转化整体不稳定造成的!
- Case studies demonstrated that in tunnel engineering investigations,because of tantivy seismic wave energy attenuation,besides appropriate seismic prospecting method,field setup a... 实例说明,在隧道工程勘探中,因地震波能量衰减较快,除了选择合适的地震勘探方法、观测系统及工作参数外,还应特别注意选择较小的偏移距及道距。
- When radar signals propagate in the atmosphere,the absorption and scattering of air molecule,aerosol particles,dust and cloud,fog and rain result in energy attenuation of ladar signals. 激光雷达信号在大气中传输时,大气中的气体分子和大气气溶胶粒子、尘埃、雾、雨等对激光信号的吸收和散射导致光信号能量的衰减是影响激光雷达信号传输的重要因素。
- Construction and management of new energy power plants (solar energy, wind energy, magnetic energy, geothermal energy, tide energy and biological mass energy, etc. 新能源电站的建设、经营(包括太阳能、风能、磁能、地热能、潮汐能、生物质能等)
- Philipp Lenard even claimed that the mass energy equivalence formula of Einstein should be credited to Friedrich Hasenohrl if it had to made an Aryan creation. 菲利普.;莱纳德甚至宣称,如果爱因斯坦的质能当量公式确实创造了一个雅利安时代,那也应归功于弗里德里希
- "If you jump into a black hole, your mass energy will be returned to our universe, but in a mangled form, which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognizable state. “如果你跳进一个黑洞,你的物质能量将以一种‘被撕裂'的形式返回到我们的宇宙中,其中包含你以前的信息,但是已经处于无法辨认的状态。”
- elastic energy attenuation degree 弹性能衰减度
- energy attenuation characteristics 能量衰减特征
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- For GIS with L-type and T-type structure, after the signal passing through these structures the signal energy attenuates remarkably. 对于L型及T型结构的GIS,在经过L型及T型结构后,信号能量衰减很大。
- Because shock energy attenuates rapidly in porous materials, an impact can heat the rocks bordering the deep crater very efficiently. 因为冲击波的能量在多孔隙物质中快速减弱,撞击能使上述深陨石坑附近的岩石有效加热。
- Biological Mass Energy Occupies a Crucial Position 生物质能的地位举足轻重
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- The energy attenuation of the aftershock sequence in Yunnan area 云南地区余震序列的能量衰减
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- A Study about Energy Attenuation of Planar Pulses in Far-Zone 平面电流脉冲远区能量衰减特性研究
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- She says she doesn't like children in the mass. 她说从总体上讲她不喜欢孩子。
- law of conservation of mass energy [机] 质能守恒律