- mass troops along the border 陈兵边境
- That resolution calls for the deployment of Lebanese troops along the border, and the disarming of militant groups including Hezbollah. 该决议要求沿边境部署黎巴嫩军队,解散包括真主党在内的武装部队。
- He disposed his troops along the bank. 他沿堤岸部署军队。
- They disposed troops along the river. 他们沿河布置了军队。
- The troops and armor were massed along the border. 部队和装甲兵集结在边境上。
- The serious incident along the border increased our fears of the war. 边境上的紧张局势加重了我们对战争的忧虑。
- The army regularly patrol along the border. 部队按时在边境巡逻。
- There are reports of skirmishing along the border. 有报道称在边界一带发生了小规模冲突。
- Huge forces have been deployed along the border. 重兵压境。
- Guards have been posted along the border. 边界上已部署了边防岗哨。
- They redeployed the troops along the seashore. 他们将部队重新部署在沿海滨一带。
- Villages along the border are regularly raided. 边境附近的村庄经常遭受突袭。
- The army regularly patrols along the border. 军队定时沿著边界巡逻。
- Huge forces [A large number of troops] have been deployed along the border. 重兵压境。
- By massing troops on the border, the enemy telegraphed its intended invasion to the target country. 敌人在边界集结军队,暴露出其企图侵犯目标国
- And last September government unveiled a high-tech, gun-toting sentry robot that could support troops along the heavily fortified border with North Korea. 去年九月,韩国政府推出了一款持枪的高科技哨兵机器人,这种机器人可为重兵设防的韩朝边界提供兵力支持。
- NATO officials have denied there are troop buildups along the border. 北约官员否认在巴基斯坦跟阿富汗边境一带集结兵力。
- The Soviet Union under Stalin gave us some assistance. But it began to take a hostile attitude towards us when Khrushchev came to power. It not only stopped helping us but stationed a million troops along the Sino-Soviet border to threaten us. 苏联在斯大林时期对我们有些帮助,赫鲁晓夫上台后,不仅不帮助我们,反而对我们采取敌视的态度,以后苏联又在中苏边境陈兵百万,威胁我们。
- There is mounting tension along the border. 边境局势日趋紧张。
- The troops stationed along the border three years ago have been rotated back to their original positions. 三年前派驻在边境的部队现已轮换调防原地。