- This article main discuss APTS of convention mass transit system. 本文主要讨论常规公共交通方式的APTS系统。
- Subways and buses rumble back to life in New York City for the first time since a three-day strike shut down the nation's largest mass transit system. 纽约城的地铁和公交今天恢复运行;这次为期三天的罢工使本国最大的公共交通系统一度瘫痪.
- Through the analysis of system harmonics for the mass transit system, it is proposed to calculate the harmonics in a way ofmathematical resolution. 通过对城市轨道交通系统谐波分析,提出用数学解析的方法对谐波进行计算。
- We have drawn up a 10-year housing plan to speed up reclamation,land formation and urban redevelopment and to extend the mass transit system and infrastructure development. 我们已拟订十年房屋发展计划,包括加快移山填海、开发土地和市区重建;进一步发展集体运输系统与基础设施。
- We have drawn up a 10-year housing plan to speed up reclamation, land formation and urban redevelopment and to extend the mass transit system and infrastructure development. 我们已拟订十年房屋发展计划,包括加快移山填海、开发土地和市区重建;进一步发展集体运输系统与基础设施。
- Chen, C. M. (1999). The individual choice model of mass transit system by bicycle users. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of National Cheng Kung, Tainan, Taiwan. 陈建铭(1999)。脚踏车使用者转乘捷运系统之个体选择行为模式。国立成功大学土木工程学系未出版硕士论文,台南市。
- By summarizing the common methods of safety assessment, the author presents the typical process of mass transit system risk analysis, and discusses the contents of risk analysis. 摘要简要归纳了安全评估的常用方法;总结出了轨道交通系统风险分析的一般过程,并讨论了风险分析的内容。
- The five rail systems include a heavily-used mass transit system, a busy suburban railway, a modern light railway, a traditional street tramway and the Peak funicular railway. 本港共有5个铁路系统,计有使用率很高的地下铁路集体运输系统、繁忙的郊区铁路、现代化的轻便铁路、传统的电车,以及山顶缆车。
- We will be speeding up land formation,extending our mass transit system and other infrastructure and increasing the pace of home construction to 85,000 units per annum to achieve a home ownership rate of 70 per cent in the next 10 years. 我们会加快辟拓土地的工作、扩大香港的集体运输系统和其他基础设施,并会加快进行建屋工程,把每年建成的住屋单位增至八万五千个,务使在未来十年,全港市民拥有自置居所的比率达致百分之七十。
- The touristic limits of Hsinchu City are: lacking of pedestrian space, traffic jam, insufficient parking space, inconvenient mass transit system, and poor programming of touring scene. 新竹市观光资源的劣势则在于缺少人行步道、交通拥挤、停车不便、缺乏便利的大众运输系统、没有大山大水、及观光景点欠缺规划与联系。
- The five rail systems include a heavily-used mass transit system,a busy suburban railway,a modern light railway,a traditional street tramway and the Peak funicular railway. 本港共有5个铁路系统,计有使用率很高的地下铁路集体运输系统、繁忙的郊区铁路、现代化的轻便铁路、传统的电车,以及山顶缆车。
- Concern over air pollution has revived interest in light-rail transit and has led to regional mass transit systems. 对空气污染的忧虑使人们对轻轨运输重新产生兴趣,促成了地方性运输系统。
- Nowadays, more and more cities ease their heavy traffic by building subways or mass transit systems. 当前,愈来愈多的城市以兴建地铁或大众捷运系统来缓和拥挤的交通。
- We may have to cut down on the number of privately owned cars and depend more on mass transit systems because cars pollute and maim or even kill people. 由于汽车污染环境并严重伤害人体,甚至杀人,我们可能不得不削减私人拥有汽车的数量而更多地依赖公共交通系统。
- Design of Car Depot in Urban Mass Transit System 城市轨道交通系统车辆段设计有关问题探讨
- The business fields cover mass transit signaling systems, passenger information systems, integrated supervisory control systems, communication systems and mass transit system turnkey projects. 业务领域涵盖轨道交通信号系统、旅客资讯系统、综合自动化系统、通信系统及轨道交通工程总承包。
- I.Cotton, C.Charalambous, P.Aylott and P.Ernst, “Stray current control in dc mass transit systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 54, Issue 2, pp. 722-730, March 2005. 曾金田,“台北捷运高运量系统轨道对地电位及杂散电流分析,”清华大学硕士论文,中华民国九十年六月。
- The use of closed circuit television video in mass transit systems can be more effective to comate terrorism without affecting the speed and the efficiency of mass transit systems. 英国和美国在大型公共交通系统安装闭路电视监控器的经验和模式,可以为我国大型公共交通系统的安全防范提供借鉴和参考。
- Other complex APMs have similar characteristics to mass transit systems, and there is no clear cut distinction between a complex APM of this type and an automated mass transit system. 其他复杂的自动行人运输系统则有著大型运输系统的特徵,这类自动行人运输系统在定义上与自动化的大型运输系统并无明确分野。
- extend the mass transit system and infrastructure development; 大规模发展集体运输系统与基建设施;