- mass lesion of carina. (5)隆突病变。
- This large mass lesion is a liposarcoma. 图中巨大肿块是脂肪肉瘤。
- Hyperplastic or neoplastic lesion of the spleen? 脾脏的肿瘤性病变还是增生性病变?
- The mass lesion seen here in the testis is a seminoma. 睾丸中见到肿块病变是精原细胞瘤。
- The analysis of paratumorous lesion of thyroid adenoma. 甲状腺腺瘤伴随病变分析。
- Keywords Mass lesion of PACNS;Glioma;Dysfunction of advanced cortex;Enlarged Virchow-Robin perivascular spaces;C-shape enhanced focus; 肿块型中枢神经系统原发性血管炎;胶质瘤;皮层高级功能减退;血管周围间隙增宽;“C”形强化灶;误诊;
- Brain CT scan revealed a mass lesion in the left side cavernous sinus. 脑部电脑断层扫描摄影发现一软组织肿块位于左侧海绵窦位置。
- Computer tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass lesion in the left basal ganglion region. 因无法以核磁共振扫瞄及脑部血管摄影检查排除为动静脉畸形瘤,于是开刀取样化验。
- Abdominal US revealed hepatomegaly, with a large welldefined hypoechoic mass lesion in the left lobe of liver. 腹部超声检查提示肝脏肿大,在肝左叶内可见一巨大的边界清楚的低回声肿块。
- Gaze-evoked amaurosis is an uncommon but pathognomonic symptom of intrinsic orbital mass lesion. 摘要注视引发黑蒙症,虽然不多见,却是眼窝肿瘤特有的症状。
- The mass lesion protruded through the inguinal canal during voiding and disappeared after voiding. 肿块在解尿时经由腹股沟突出,解完尿后就消失。
- Is a spirochete present in granulomatous lesion of sarcoidosis? 结节病肉芽肿病变中有螺旋体吗?
- The circumscribed mass lesion present here in the sella turcica is a pituitary adenoma. 蝶鞍内的边界清楚的肿块为垂体腺瘤。
- Active treatment for precancerous lesion of the gastric-remnant. 术后对残胃的癌前状态积极治疗。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- We improved the perioperative management for the excision and reconstruction of carina on 8 cases from April 1988 to April 1993 in our hospital. 我们自1988年4月至1993年4月,对8例隆凸切除与重建术病人的围术期处理进行了改进。
- Image studies demonstrated a cystic lesion of the coccyx. 影像资料研究显示尾骨区有一囊性占位。
- The entire Carina Nebula spans over 300 light years and lies about 7,500 light-years away in the constellation of Carina. 整个船底座星云覆盖超过了300 光年,位于船底座内,距离我们大约7,500光年远。
- The aim of this study is to summarize the clinical results of reconstruction of carina, bronchoplasty and arterioplasty in the treatment of 79 patients with central lung cancer. 本研究的目的是总结采用隆凸、支气管及肺动脉切除重建术治疗79例中心型肺癌的临床资料,分析其疗效。
- In this case, the disease was unilateral and presented in infancy as a mass lesion which was removed surgically. 本例,种病变是单侧的,在婴儿期发现后当作肿块手术切除了。