- With the development of mass higher education and the increase of education cost in the recent years,tuition reform in high education have taken place in many countries. 近年来,随着高等教育大众化的深入发展以及教育成本的不断增加,许多国家掀起了新的高等教育收费改革,英国高等教育收费改革以其涉及面之广、阻力之大、立场之坚定而备受各国关注。
- Based on the mechanism of the mass higher education to form harmonious society,this paper establishes the evaluation indices system and puts forward some supportable suggestions. 通过对高等教育大众化对我国构建和谐社会的作用机理分析,建立了高等教育大众化对构建和谐社会的支持评价指标体系,并提出了若干有效的建议。
- These viewpoints involve the significance, implication, transition peroid, enforcement approach, quality, classification and orientation of mass higher education. 其主要内容涉及中国高等教育大众化的意义、含义、“过渡阶段”、实施途径、质量和分类定位等方面。
- Martin Trow.From mass Higher Education to Universal Access,Paper of the meeting of the Japanese Society for Higher Education Research,Hiroshima,May 31,1998.1. 方展画.;在社会经济发展背景下对高等教育功能的认识[J]
- So if the problem is not solved or is inconsequently solved,the course of"Mass higher education"in China will be baffled and the reputation of the gouvernment will be affected as well. 提供合理的教育经费是政府首要的基本的责任,这个问题不解决或解决不好不仅会影响我国高等教育“大众化”的进程,而且对政府的公众形象也会带来不利影响。
- Cynics have argued that ministers have also been motivated by the desire to please middle-class voters, whose children have benefited disproportionately from the arrival of mass higher education. 有些机构试图开办低成本私立学校,受到市场欢迎。但高昂学费的背后也有不为人知的原因。
- Research into the Quality of Mass Higher Education 谈高等教育大众化进程中的教育质量问题
- Analysis of the Connotation and Concept of Mass Higher Education 高等教育大众化的理论内涵和概念解析
- On Conditions and Policy Issues of Mass Higher Education 远程教育与高等教育大众化
- On Understanding View of Quality of Mass Higher Education 对大众化高等教育质量观的认识
- "Mass Higher Education"and Our Higher Education Development “高等教育大众化”与我国高等教育发展
- Philosophic Thinking on the Mass Higher Education in China 我国高等教育大众化的哲学思考
- The government's policy on higher education is a success. 政府的高等教育政策很成功。
- The Fates of the Puniness Groups in the Process of Mass Higher Education 高教大众化需要关注弱势群体
- Study on the Intermediary Organizations in Chinese Mass Higher Education 大众化时期的我国高等教育中介组织
- An analysis of the Development Situation of the mass higher education of China 我国高等教育大众化发展现状与对策研究
- The state wants to cut away $40 million from the higher education budget. 该州要从高等教育的预算中削减4千万美元。
- Concept of Educational Quality of Mass Higher Education 高等教育大众化的教育质量观
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- He did not receive higher education. 他没有受过高等教育。