- Humanist Spirit: Ideological Kernel of Mass Culture Criticism 人文精神:大众文化批评的核心理念
- The thesis muses on the impacts of mass culture on the Youth"s value -orientation in a social and cultural critical review. 本文站在社会文化批评的角度,对大众文化对青年价值取向的影响予以了观照。
- mass culture criticism 大众文化批判
- A form of intellectual and artistic culture that has qualities of high culture and mass culture without being either. 中产阶级文化一种思想和艺术文化,既具有高级文化和大众文化的物质,又不是两者中的任何一种
- Therefore, mass culture is the world full of shining stars. 为了满足人们日益增加的消费欲望和文化消费心理,明星以及相关明星产业相继诞生并在大众文化的肥沃土壤中植根发展。
- From 'Mass Culture' to 'Medium Culture': a Decline of Elitism? 从“大众文化”到“媒介文化”:精英主义式微?
- In the whole process of discussion, many theoretical achievements are borrowed including traditional historical theory, neo-historical criticism, mass culture and TV play principle, etc. 在整个论述过程中借鉴了传统历史理论、新历史主义批评、大众文化、电视剧原理等理论成果,并结合曾经在观众中引起较大影响的一些历史剧文本,来阐述主要观点。
- The fad of America mass culture deepened the chaoses of weimar society. 美国大众文化的风行加深了魏玛文化的混乱。
- Cregg Barak.Media,Criminal Justice and Mass Culture,Monsey[M].New York,1999. 刘斌:媒体必须介入司法活动[N];中华工商时报;2005-10-09.
- Thirdly, the shift from townsfolk culture of Shanghai School to mass culture. 三是从海派的市民文化特征转向大众文化特征。
- Edward Said is a cultural critic with a complicated social background. 爱德华·萨义德是一位多重背景交织的批判学者 ,也是后现代条件下的欧美左派楷模。
- Like this, Chinese mass culture research will have vaster foreground. 这样,中国的大众文化研究才会有更广阔的前景。
- Along with the process of reforming the May 4th Movement, “by Yuen polemics“ to the Chinese traditional culture criticism and reconstruction issues in the people‘s vision. 伴随着改革的进程,五四运动后,“科玄论战”把对中国传统文化的批判和重建问题纳入了人们的视野。
- Essentially,mass culture means raising the cultural level of the peasants. 大众文化,实质上就是提高农民文化。
- The conception of "isolation" is put forward by American social and cultural critic Alfred Kazin. “疏离感”这一概念是美国社会文化批评家阿尔弗雷德·卡津所提出的。
- Cultural criticism and literary criticism are two heterogeneous modes that must be excluded from literary theory. 文化批评与文学批评是两种异质性的批评模式,因此文学理论必须将文化批评拒之门外。
- Essentially, mass culture means raising the cultural level of the peasants. 大众文化,实质上就是提高农民文化。
- It is an urgent task to awaken cultural criticism from its critical lethargy. 如何把当下的文化批评从批判的昏睡中唤醒是一个亟待解决的问题。
- This provides gratifying experiences and enlightenment to our mass culture construction. 他的成功为我们的大众文化建设提供了可贵的经验与启示。