- marriage by purchase;mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻
- This orchard became ours by purchase. 这个果树园被我们买下了。
- She is the victim of marriage by kidnap. 她就是掠夺婚的受害者。
- He rounded off his property by purchase of the additional land. 他购得更多的土地而使他的财产十全十美。
- She trapped him into marriage by pretending she was pregnant. 她假装已怀孕而骗他结婚。
- He rounded off his property by purchase of the additional land . 他购得更多的土地而使他的财产十全十美。
- Marriage by a priest is lawful in England without another ceremony. 在英国,由牧师证婚的婚姻即使没有别的仪式也是合法的。
- Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase. 摄影技艺的获得是靠花功而不是靠花钱。
- Spain has legalized gay marriage by the way and fast tract divorce. 西班牙已经将同性恋婚姻及短期内快速离婚视为合法化。
- To order(goods)by purchase order or official requisition. 定货用官方订货单或购买单订(货)
- To order(goods) by purchase order or official requisition. 定货用官方订货单或购买单订(货)
- marriage by purchase 买卖婚
- These symptoms, mere methods of procuring wives, the pedantic Scot, McLennan, has transmogrified into special classes of families under the names of "marriage by capture" and "marriage by purchase." 但是苏格兰的学究麦克伦南,却根据这些仅仅是有关求妻方法的迹象,虚构了他所谓的“抢劫婚姻”和“买卖婚姻”这两种特殊的家庭。
- He loused up his own marriage by getting involved with another woman. 他因为跟另外一个女人勾搭而把自己的婚姻搞得一团糟。
- The United States came into possession of Louisiana by purchase from France. 美国的路易斯安纳州是从法国买来的。
- They regularized their informal marriage by registering with the district government. 他们在区政府登记,从而使他们的非正式婚姻合法化。
- You may be speculating in property by purchasing. 你可以通过购买财产进行投机。
- Sutherland says she improved her marriage by taking the lessons from animal trainers and applying them to her husband. 萨瑟兰说,通过从动物训练者那里取经并把经验运用于自己丈夫身上,她的婚姻得到了改善。
- Real estate is generally acquired by purchase, by descent and devise, or by gift. 不动产一般通过购买,遗产继承,遗赠和馈赠等方式获得。
- On the subject of Molly, it is interesting to note that she is Sirius's cousin by marriage by virtue of her marriage to Arthur. 说到莫丽,有趣的是,她和亚瑟的婚姻便能使他与西历厄斯成为姻亲。