- The airborne troops spearheaded the crossing of the river. 空降兵在渡河作战中担任先导。
- marketing airborne troops 营销空降兵
- The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the village. 突击队与空降部队在村庄附近会合起来。
- Good! more airborne troops, more marines.more chance won. 好!更多空降部队,更多海军陆战队。更多的胜算。
- Airborne troops will reinforce our surrounded allies. 空降部队将会增援我们被包围的盟军。
- The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge. 在被占领的大桥附近,突击队和空降部队汇合了。
- Airborne troops are practicing bailout skill by using the parachute tower . 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。
- The airborne troops are using parachute tower to practice parachuting. 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。
- It is organized chiefly in fighting aviation arm, bomber aviation arm, airborne troops and airfields. 主要由歼击航空兵、炸航空兵、降兵和机场组成。
- The airborne troops are practicing parachuting skills by means of the parachuting tower. 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。
- The soldiers of airborne troops are exercising the bail-out skill through parachute tower. 空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。
- On a dim night in September, the invasion of Ukraine was started. Through the darkness came ten thousand airborne troops, dropping from the sky like a heavy rainstorm. 在九月里的一个漆黑夜晚,联合国维和部队对乌克兰的进攻行动开始了。当黑夜来临时,一万名空降维和部队象一场剧烈的暴风雨从天而降。
- General Walker was killed in an accident.He was replaced by Lieutenant General Matthew Ridgway, who had led airborne troops in World War II. 联合国军统帅沃克将军也在一次意外事故中死亡,随后由二战时领导美国空运部队的马太.;李德薇中将接替其指挥朝鲜半岛的联合国军。
- This photos show an Guatemala Army live fire exercise in which infantry divisions and the airborne troop from the special forces command took part of it. 危地马拉部队举行实弹演习,由陆军部队和伞兵特种部队参加。
- When Chavez watches the exercise, wore holds the post of time the Airborne troops commander's military uniform in the past, the head wears the red beret. 查韦斯观看演习时,身着当年担任空降部队指挥官时的军服,头戴红色贝雷帽。
- A city of eastern Netherlands on the lower Rhine River east-southeast of Utrecht. In World War II British airborne troops suffered a major defeat here in September 944. Population, 28,598. 阿纳姆:荷兰东部城市,位于莱茵河下游乌得勒支东南偏东部。944年9月在第二次世界大战中英国空降部队曾在此遭到重创。人口28,598
- He achieved lasting fame for his role in the rescue of the Italian fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini, in September 1943, although the operation itself was conducted by Luftwaffe airborne troops. 他最成功的一次行动就是1943年9月营救意大利的法西斯独裁者,本尼托墨索里尼。虽然这次行动也被看成是空军的空降部队所为。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。
- The pigs fetched a good price at the market. 那些猪在市场上卖了好价钱。