- marketing of modem market 现代市场营销
- By using the theory of modem marketing, the necessity of professional of university employment aim market choosing and the effect of market detailing is discussed. 摘要运用现代市场营销理论,论述大学专业人才就业目标市场选择的必要性及市场细分的作用。
- That's a common theme of modem literature. 那是现代文学的一个普遍主题。
- He is numbered among the best of modem writers. 他被归入最优秀的现代作家。
- Finance is the centre of modem economy. 摘要金融是现代经济的核心。
- To Conceive Construction of Modem Marketing Internet for Agricultural Products with Anhui Characteristics 构筑安徽特色农产品现代营销网络的设想
- Where is the Market of the Electric Instruments? 电工仪器仪表的市场空间在哪里?
- Experience of sales and marketing of car industry. 在汽车行业的销售和市场方面有足够的经验。
- Test marketing of the products will start tomorrow. 新产品试卖会从明天开始。
- Scientism is a major part of modem western philosophy. 摘要科学主义是现代西方两大哲学思潮之一。
- The marketing of these produce is out of question. 这些农产品的销售是不成问题的。
- Hustling and bustling market of fashion clothes. 熙来攘往的时装市场。
- The Theory of Setting up the Order of Modem Market is Analysed: Turn from the Normal Form of the Competition to the Normal Form of the System 建立现代市场秩序的理论分析:从竞争范式转向制度范式
- PU production and marketing of products. 聚氨酯及制品的生产销售。
- And the marketing of new toys and games. 我们公司生产儿童玩具和游戏用具。
- Main market of my products is domestic market. 我的产品主要销售国内市场。
- Professional market of plastic industry. 塑料行业专业市场;
- While the market of SSBR will be more potential. 其中SSBR将更加被看好。
- Descartes raises the central questions of modem philosophy. 笛卡尔提出了现代哲学的核心问题。
- Obviously Hegelian Philisophy is a kind of modem philosophy. 黑格尔哲学显然是一种现代性的哲学话语。