- First, market liquidity is enhanced. 首先,有利于提高市场的流动性。
- This paper studies the role of market liquidity. 摘要本文研究市场流动性的作用。
- Finally, the market liquidity of sufficient funds noodle. 最后,市场资金面流动性充足。
- This has enhanced secondary market liquidity and channelled the investor base of EFN to the retail level. 此举提高外汇基金债券在第二市场的流通量,并将投资者基础扩阔至散户投资者。
- The Distributors also agree to quote a reasonable bid ask spread, having regard to market liquidity and conditions. 分销商亦同意在参考市场流通性及市况后,提供合理买入卖出差价。
- Investor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could dry up as interest rates raise. 投资人逃避风险意味着债券市场的流动性会随着利率的上升而干涸。
- Investor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could dry up as interest rates rise. 投资者越过风险意味着债务市场的流动性可能随着利率的上升而干涸。
- It also describes the arrangements envisaged for promoting secondary market liquidity in the Exchange Fund Bills. 此外,亦载有预期可促进票据在第二市场的流通性的安排。
- Make sure there is sufficient market liquidity to execute scaling out of positions in a meaningful way. 确保拥有足够的市场流动资金来以有意义的方式执行加仓。
- Chordia, Roll, Subrahmanyan, 2001, Market Liquidity and Trading Activity, Journal of Finance, vol., LVI, No. 2, Appril. 美)弗兰克.;J
- Both funding and market liquidity rely on a big enough pool of monetary liquidity to draw upon. 资金和市场的流动性都依赖于有一个足够大流动性的货币储备能提取。
- Third, we use a measure of market liquidity, VNET, which is directly measures the depth of the market. 其三,使用Engle and Lange(1997)提出来的市场深度(VNET)作为流动性测度指标,该指标用来测量一个价格持续期内单边超额交易的股票数量。
- To enhance secondary market liquidity,the HKMA has put in place an effective market-making system for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes. 为增加外汇基金票据及债券在第二市场的流动性,金管局已制定有效的市场庄家制。
- Notes issued under this programme have a high degree of secondary market liquidity as they are covered under the market-making arrangements for the Exchange Fund Bills and Notes. 由于这个计划的债券是通过外汇基金票据及债券的市场庄家制度发行,因此在第二市场的流通程度很高。
- VaR model may consider the market liquidity risk, to accurately reflect the risk of settled position, and such risk may be monitored by RMIU. 风险值模型可考虑市场的流动性风险,以正确地反映结清部位的风险,并由风险管理执行单位加以监控。
- Only the liquidity risk measuring from investor standpoint can reflect the real market liquidity risk, and can satisfy investor. 本文认为站在投资者角度的市场流动性风险度量才能真正地符合投资者流动性风险管理的实际需要,也才能真实反映市场的流动性风险状况。
- To enhance secondary market liquidity, the HKMA has put in place an effective market-making system for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes. 为增加外汇基金票据及债券在第二市场的流动性,金管局已制定有效的市场庄家制。
- Responsible for industry, energy, science g and technology, market liquidity, inherent asset management, enb terprise listing, safety production. 负责工业、能源、科技、市场流通、固有资产管理、企业上市、安全生产方面工作。
- Electronic bond trading platforms such as that provided by BIA can help to enhance secondary market liquidity of the local debt market and improve the price discovery process. 这一个由邦盛亚洲提供的电子债券交易平台将有助提高本地债务市场的第二市场流通性,以及加快开价过程。
- Dalian said speculators had been "playing a significant role" in the market, but in doing so, they bore "the risk of price changes and also increased market liquidity". 大连交易所表示,投机者在这个市场上一直“扮演着相当重要的角色”,但在这么做的同时,它们既承担了“价格波动的风险,也提高了市场流动性”。