- Common Si Dui trades the division is also suitable for to the insurance market transaction division, and determines the corresponding transaction cost type. 康芒斯对交易的划分也适用于对保险市场交易的划分,并确定相应交易成本类型。
- Discussion on the constitution and control method of insurance market transaction cost 论保险市场交易成本的构成及控制方法
- market transaction cost 市场交易费用
- An "externality" is not just any old cost or benefit; it has to lie outside a market transaction. “外部性”不仅仅是已经发生的成本或好处;它必须存在于市场交易之外。
- The ch oic e rests with the amount of transaction cost. 选择哪种方法,由交易费用的大小决定。
- Is Transaction Cost the Standard of the Institution Evolution? 交易费用是制度进化的衡量标准吗?
- The paperless work reduces the transaction cost to a great extent. 无纸化办公在很大程度上降低交易成本。
- Enterprises are credit carriers, which avoid to a certain degree adverse choice in product market caused by information asymmetry and save the transaction cost of finished. 企业是信用的载体,它一定程度上避免了产品市场由于信息不对称所引致的逆向选择,从而节约最终产品交易成本。
- Distinct land property right is the basic premise of land market transaction. 土地产权明晰是土地市场交易的基本前提。
- Overall, the deficiency or opacity of property right in the Chinese factor market adds to transaction cost, which in turn is bound to restrict the development of the former. 从总的方面来看,我国要素市场产权的缺失或产权界定不清加大了交易成本,而过高的交易成本必然制约要素市场的发展。
- First, it analyzes the emergence of venture capital market with the institutional economics and transaction cost theory. 第一,用制度经济学的观点和交易费用理论分析了风险资本市场的产生。 在分析时,本处采用的是理论分析方法;
- Social control becomes a substitute mechanism as long as excessively high transaction cost fails the market to solve the internality problem. 只有当因交易成本过高使市场解决内部性无效时,社会性管制才作为一种替代性的机制发挥作用。
- They together decide the transaction cost of market organizations and influence the development level of market organizations. 它们共同决定着市场组织的交易费用,影响着市场组织的发展程度。
- The function of institution is to legalize the necessary transaction cost. 制度的功能是让必要的交易费用合法化,让暧昧的交易费用规范化,让隐性的交易费用透明化,以使制度去适应日趋复杂化的组织以及日益增大的交易费用。
- In other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction. 换句话说,价格就是市场交易中大家认同的产品或服务的货币量。
- The return of autarky is extremely low but it doesn't have transaction cost. 自给自足方式不产生交易成本但收益极低。
- Physical attribute information, particularly for agricultural land, is better than market transaction information. 物质属性信息,尤其对于农业用地,比市场交易信息更有用。
- It is also the one with the lowest transaction costs. 它的交易成本也最低。
- Stock and commodity market transaction entered into in good faith are speculative contracts and not illegal as wagers. 股票和商品市场交易被输入入真诚是投机合同和不非法的作为赌注。
- Therefore, doctors will go to the human resource market to look for the best positon under benefit drive, and thus transaction cost under current agreement is formed. 医生在最大化效用的驱动下会到市场去寻求人力资本的最优价值,从而引致现有合约条件下的交易成本。