- During the year, the department completed a techno-economic and market research study on Hong Kong's electronics industry. 年内,该署完成了一项香港电子业技术经济及市场调查研究。
- During the year,the department completed a techno-economic and market research study on Hong Kong's electronics industry. 年内,该署完成了一项香港电子业技术经济及市场调查研究。
- Why do we need faceless annual reports and third-hand market research studies to introduce us to each other? 为什么我们得用语焉不详的年度报告和第三手的市场研究论文来彼此推介呢?
- Primary data is data collected through observation, survey or controlled experiment for the first time during a marketing research study. 主要的数据是在第一次被在一项行销研究研究期间收集过观察, 调查或受约束的实验的数据。
- We struck oil only after years of market research. 我们花了好几年功夫去作市场研究以后才大发利市。
- You conducted meaningful market research. 你进行了有目的的市场研究。
- Here is the market research report. 这是市场调查报告。
- I won't disrupt your market research. 我就不打扰你做市场调查了。
- Oh, I'm on the market research side. And you? 我是搞市场调研的。你呢?
- Do you often carry out market research? 你们经常开展市场调查吗?
- How is market research carried out? 怎样进行市场研究?
- We then invested in more market research. 之后,我们投资进行了更多的市场研究。
- I didn't take part in your market research. 我没有参与你的市场调查。
- Above 1 year of market research DP experence. 在市场研究公司从事数据处理工作一年或以上。
- Instead, they commissioned more market research. 相反,他们委托下属做更多的市场调查。
- Should I do a survey or market research? 是不是应该先做个调查或市场调研?
- How do teachers push forward the effective realization of research study? 教师应如何促进研究性学习的有效实施?
- Market research underpins these activities. 市场研究巩固了这些活动。
- Research study is a new way of developing students'thinking in different ways. 研究性学习;发散思维;新方式。
- Charles is busy at his market research. 查尔斯正忙着搞他的市场研究。