- First by increasing market penetration. 第一是扩大市场渗透。
- Our aim is to achieve greater market penetration. 我们的目标是进一步打入市场。
- Our weakness lies in the market penetration. 我们的弱项是市场占有率低。
- You don't have one hundred percent market penetration yet. 你们的市场渗透率还没有达到百分之百吗?
- We don't have one hundred percent market penetration. 但我们的市场渗透率并没有达到百分之百。
- China has 40 million cell phone users in a population of 1.4 billion,only a 3% market penetration. 中国14亿人口中有4000万移动电话用户,市场占有率只有3%25。
- On the importance of brand image, its applicable range and use of multi brands for further market penetration. 关于品牌形象、适用范围和使用多个品牌以进一步渗透市场的重要性。
- We suggest that you reduce the prices by 5% to insure maximum market penetration . 为有效地确保市场,我们建议能降价5%25。
- However,in hot and humid regions,fears for the risk of condensation on radiant panels limit its market penetration. 但在热湿地区,由于辐射板表面容易结露,使得它在市场上的应用受到极大限制。
- We're behind the competition. They've had similar items out for some time. What can we do to get market penetration for our product? 我们在竞争中处于劣势。他们相似的产品已经上市一段时间了。我们怎样使我们的产品获得市场突破?
- Numerical experiment results show that the proposed model can converge to fixed points and can simulate the evolutional process of ATIS market penetration and path flow. 数值试验结果表明:提出的模型能够收敛到不动点,可以模拟网络中ATIS市场占有率和流量的演化过程。
- Tho there are few that have made it to market, there isn’t any mass market penetration meaning demand isn’t there or the right design has yet to arrive. 可是这些产品很少是面向市场的,不存在任何大规模市场的渗透意义或者还没有达到合理的设计。
- That term too has entered the language, though it doesn't have quite the market penetration that IQ does--or the disparaging overtone that Young intended in his satiric fable The Rise of the Meritocracy, 1870 - 2033. 这个术语也已进入了英语语言中,尽管它的市场渗透力比不上IQ一词----也没有包括扬在他的讽刺寓言故事《智者统治的崛起,1870-2033》一书中的贬义。
- While they could consider deepening their market penetration via different channels simultaneously, they should also enhance their channel management in order to avoid the possible conflicts among different channels. 香港出口商应多管齐下扩展市场,同时亦应加强对销售渠道的管理,避免不同渠道之间发生冲突。
- With Chinese prosperous construction industry and Geberit increasing market penetration, there is an increasing demand for our production in China to meet the increasing sales demand. 随着中国建筑行业不断繁荣以及吉博力强大的市场渗透,吉博力产品市场需求不断增加,扩大生产能力刻不容缓。
- They represent the best of the UKs successful organisations in the areas of creative new game development, market analysis and thought leadership, research, online mobile game creation and market penetration. 这些公司在开创新游戏、市场分析及领袖思维、研发、网络移动电话游戏创作以至市场渗透等方面均表现出色。
- Promotional Services (Ice): knowledge of foreign markets, assistance in market penetration, promotion of the presence abroad, training for businesses. 促进服务(Ice):识别国外市场的信息、市场渗透的协助、海外出席的个人的促进、为公司培训。
- The adoption of mobile technology has outstripped the growth of fixed-line connections, which rose from 1bn to 1.3bn over the same period, with market penetration stuck just below 20% for some years. 移动通讯技术的沿袭速度超过了固网技术的发展。在相同时间内,固网用户只从1亿增长到1.;3亿,并且市场渗透力曾一度低于20%25
- There are 3/4 of the missions in China at the moment the best strategy for lack of essential, including the export platform and in the mainland market penetration of dual capabilities. 有3/4的外国在华企业目前缺乏基本的最佳策略,其中包括将出口平台与向国内市场渗透的双重功能整合在一起。